Originally Posted by Jemma
Ewwwww!!! No, no, NO!!!! Reese is not, under any circumstances falling in love with Malfoy! That is just... YUCK! *trys to wipe Malfoy stench off of clothes* Now these clothes are ruined, lovely. Well done genius.
*turns to Reese* Darling you will definitely make a great deatheater *rolls eyes* Now, if he says to kill me, just do it. But promise me you will never fall in love with him.
Jemma & Sabrina
Reese falling in love with Draco?Pfffft.He's falling in love with her
Reese:I will NOT kill you...NO,NO,NO!
Originally Posted by Alice
Reese how could you think of something like that.Draco is proberly messing with your head, kill him now that you have a wand kill him please i mean come on it's Draco and another thing Draco you better take off the mark off of her or else you better wish you weren't born.Reese you are a good person and need to stay that way p.s Reese plz plz i mean pleaseeeee trick or hurt Draco cause i get if i get my hands on him all that will be left will be a finger then bye bye Draco
Originally Posted by Jemma
Alice I wouldn't even leave a finger! It's too disgusting when you realise that it came from that blonde git. Personally I'd leave like a small tiny flake of skin and that's about it.
PAMS!!! Cat you need to PAMS!!! Otherwise Alice and I are going to jump into our computers and finish the story our way. It'll take like five minutes if that to be honest. So guess what.... PAMS!!!!
Alice,I totally agree with Jemma about the finger.She took the words right out of my mouth.
Okay,writing more now...