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Old 07-31-2008, 11:19 PM   #16 (permalink)
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Danny Logan Edwards
Sixth Year
Shipper Queen Hippie Quad

Originally Posted by D.A Forever View Post
I LOVED the entire entry, but I think that last part ^^ was my absolute favorite. Very awesome Steph Danny is..AW! I'm at a loss of words; he's cuuuute.
Yeah the last line is so true though
He is cute isnt he

Originally Posted by Hg_fan View Post
Danny's gonna get eaten. You know why I told you

I loved the entry though

Danny doesnt want to be eaten!
He is just curious though

Originally Posted by prongs1295 View Post
Aw... so cute. I really like the last part too. It's so adorable. Aww... Danny's too cute. How old is Danny again?
pams! (lol)
Danny just turned eight in December
Thank you!

Originally Posted by Phoenix 8390 View Post
Steph!!! I LOVED it! If Jae knew what he was saying he'd be totally and completely flattered! Even though he knows I need to write about Danny more in Jae's journal now

It was so cute. Danny is the cutest little boy ever!
Heehee Danny loves Jae
Thanx Twinnie!!

Originally Posted by Con Man View Post
Steph this is GREAT!!
Danny is a cute little kid and reminds me alot of one of my little cousins. He needs to meet little Cy sometime, who knows when but hopefully soon! xD

PAMS Steph this is awesome!! *glomp*
Ernie man is here!
He does so need to meet Cy!
He will love his accent!

Originally Posted by Waddles View Post
Duuuuuuuude! Stephalina. I just want to pinch Danny's cheeks and cuddle him! He seems so innocent! Like, is it possible to be that cute and that innocent when you're an 8-year-old boy other than Danny? XD

And after Juni&me heard all about Lizzie from Sam, it's nice to meet Lizzie the iguana's owner

PAMS!! x3

He is pinchable isnt he?


And Danny is very innocent
*points to the halo around his head*

Dude I so want an iguana!!
Thanks penguin

Posting now!

February 3, 2066

I’ve just realized I haven’t explained the pictures on the front page. The first picture is me. I don’t remember why I was smiling. My mom loves that picture and shows everybody. I really wish she didn’t. It makes the person tell me how cute I am and tells me I should smile more often. I blush more than I smile, and I don’t like when people tell me to smile. It’s just rude in my eyes. The picture next to it is my older brother and sister when they were little. I think Sammy was younger than me in that picture. She still has that hat.

Moving on. The next picture is of Lizzie! My pet iguana. I’m still a little surprised that my mom let me keep her. She never really liked animals in the house. It took forever for Benny to talk my mom into buying Sammy’s cat. I’m glad he bought her. I love animals. They are there for you without the talking. I like that. Lizzie is always with me. Most people usually don’t take their pet iguana around with them because it can be bad for them. But Lizzie seems to like it. She is usually sleeping wherever I take her, but I don’t mind. She is crawling on my leg right now. Iguanas don’t move fast, unless its chow time, so she is sort of tickling my leg right now with her claws.

Jersey is Sammy’s pet cat. She is a three-year-old calico. Sammy says she is almost human because she does whatever she wants, when she wants to. She gets mad because she never listens to her, but what does she expect? She isn’t a dog. Sammy says I’m some kind of animal whisperer because I’m the only person she will let hold her. I don’t do anything different really. But she is just one of those pets that don’t like to be held. I only pick her up when she isn’t running all over the place. That is always the time when Sam is trying to pick her up. I tried to explain that to her but yeah. She still tries. Maybe I should tell you a little about my family.

Samantha Elise Edwards: She is my older sister by about six or seven years. Sam is pretty outgoing. Way more than me anyways. She is also a tomboy. I think that’s what it’s called. She likes to do boy things. At least that’s what my mom says. I don’t really know what that means. What is the difference? Anyways, she got to the point where she thought her name was too girly, so she shortened it to Sam. She lets people call her Sammy though. She has been very protective over me a lot lately. I actually appreciate it, in a way. I don’t like how she always fights with my mom though. They are both very stubborn people, that’s what my dad says. I think I know what that word means. And if I am right, then they are both really stubborn.

Mom: My mom is very organized. She likes to have things a certain way, which probably comes in handy at work. She works at Gringotts. So she needs to be organized. I don’t like going to my mom’s work. The goblins are scary. They always stare at me when I go there. It’s creepy. My mom is very motherly. Let me explain. She cares about her kids and can be very shielding when it comes to us. She is like a mother bear and we are her cubs. She doesn’t like much when we leave the cave.

Dad: My Dad is almost the complete opposite. I mean he loves us as much as my mom but he is way more laid back. He is calm too, which is where I get it from, I think. He owns a small little coffee shop close to home. Since he owns it, he is usually home a lot. He watches the twins and me while my mom is at work. He usually calms my mom down when she gets all parental on ones of us, (usually Sammy). My dad loves to read old books. I mean old books. He is reading a book called “To kill a mocking bird” by Harper Lee. It came out in 1960. That was hundred and six years ago! He told me the little girl in the story reminds him of Sammy. I don’t think I would like it. If they kill mocking birds, then it’s not a good book. I would never tell anybody this, but I like my dad a little more than my mom. Does that make me a bad person?

Ethan Korin Edwards: He is the next boy in the family. Only four months. My dad says he looks like me when I was that little. He does have the same colored hair as me, sort of. I think it’s a little bit lighter. He is very giggly. I’ll wake up in the morning and find Ethan in the crib laughing at absolutely nothing. Its weird. But I like him, he is funny. He is quieter than his twin and never cries much. The other day he learned how to make spit bubbles and that is all he does now.

Breanna Alma Edwards: She is the youngest out of the five of us. She looks exactly like Ethan. I don’t know how my mom can tell them apart. I get them mixed up. She doesn’t cry much either, just like Ethan. But whenever somebody takes Ethan in the other room, she screams her head off. My mom and dad both don’t get what is wrong with her but I think it’s obvious she doesn’t want to be separated from her twin. I should probably tell them that and it would make their lives easier (and my room much quieter) but I’m too shy to point it out to them. Breanna likes to think she is talking. She is always speaking in baby talk. Nobody understands her but I think she really thinks she is talking. Its funny.

Benny Michael Edwards: He is the oldest out of everybody. I look up to Benny a lot. He is my hero. He really is. I believe whole heartedly what Jae told me…I don’t want to write it out right now, but Benny saved my life. He has always been mature for his age. He is really wise too, at least he is in my eyes. Benny is my favorite person in the world and it makes a hundred times as hard for him to be in a coma. The whole thing is a long story and it’s too hard to write right now, so I’ll write about some other time.

I think I’m going to go head outside now. Give Lizzie some air. Bye for now!

-Danny Logan Edwards
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