Guess what? Guess what! Guess WHAT!?
From THAT moment I'm just like this is GOING to be funny
Moving along. We have.. Leah next! Chyeah that's right! GIRL'S FIRST.
*serious face* If Legend could read this he'd kick Katie for that.
hehe soo cute when she seys they are her boys

Of course we all knew that
Lysander Chosen is SO not going to be a real Legend. That may be his name, but the only way that kid is going down in history is from death by being eaten by the giant squid in the lake at Hogwarts. Don't tempt me, we just might learn if the squid's a vegetarian like myself or not. He (or she) probably is, but it's worth a try. Or scare. I doubt that would work though, he would more than likely think it's cooool, being fed to the giant creature living in the lake. OH YEAH, one more thing to make him 'special' in his head. Greeaat. Maybe I should re-think it.
*deaded x1219*