The Other Ari | | Cookie Monster Everything was happening so fast. Rae started talking to Conny and then Melita barging in. She had been acting really weird lately too. Granted Ari had had very few contacts with the woman so maybe she was just one of those overly friendly type people. And then Cassandra showed up ...and Conny's reaction to her. Ari had hoped she was wrong about the suspicion....she still hoped she was wrong.
"Sophie I'm very sorry she broke your nose." Ari gave the woman a sympathetic look and patted her back a little awkwardly before being released. She gave the nose a quick look over. "It is actually a very good job. I'm impressed with whoever fixed it. You should be fine now."
Ari turned her attention to Conny. "Um could I see the cookie that's left? I can run tests and figure out what ingredients are in it and if it was in fact cookies that contained the Amortencia?" She looked to Rae but Cassandra...well the headmistress Cassandra was looking a bit distraught.
__________________  Graphics made by: *JoshMoonson* |