★ BabyQuad ★ PERRY THE PLATYPUS ★ Ern's Fave ★ dangerous with brooms ★ February 3rd 2066
So, I guess I didn't really explain my self that much in my first entry huh? Well, I shall do that now. That's the reason I'm writing this right before my bedtime (and cause if I wrote it out in public people would think I had a diary and I would have to kick 'em)
My name is Prince Legend Chosen the First . One day I shall be KING. King of what you ask? KING OF THE WORLD and make Katie my servant girl. MWAHA. Im also wizard. Which means I can do all magicy stuff like KABOOM. So anyways if you’re thinking "How am I supposed to remember a long name like Prince Legend Chosen the First." That means you haven’t heard my real name.
Lysander Jedidiah Hayden Shiloh Merric Chosen.
YES that’s ALL my name. Seriously, I almost died in kindergarten trying to spell it. You see, the reason why my name is so long is cause: my parents were idiots. They let KIDS pick out my name. Not smart dude.
My first name? Lysander? Came from this play my dad saw by Shakespeare called 'Midsummer’s Night Dream'. I've seen the play. Seriously not a good thing to name your kid after. There's a fairy named PEACHBLOSSOM and a donkey man named BOTTOM. Yeah smart Shakespeare. My dad also named me that cause it had a Y in it. My older bro and sis both have a Y in there names. Don’t ask WHY he couldn't just pick a NORMAL name with a Y in it like...Ryan...or Kyle. My dad's insane.
Jedidiah. What kinda name is that?!?!?! I’m NOT Amish you know!! My mother wanted a "traditional name." Again. Insane.
Hayden. (DUDE THIS HAD A Y TWO WHY COULDNT IT BE MY FIRST NAME?!?!?!) My cousin Amber (who was 14 at the time) chose this one. I like it. It’s NORMAL. The only BAD thing about this name is that it's also a girls name. I don't share my name with girls ok dude? Thank you very much.
Shiloh. I like this name the best. My sis Lexie wanted to name me Shadow though. Like THAT would have been a awesome name. But the adults were all "Noooooo Shadow isn't a name." Idiots. So in the end Amber suggested Shiloh because it kinda sounded like Shadow. Sis wasn't happy but she agreed.
And lastly Merric. My idiot of a brother thought of this one (of course I didn't know that until a couple of months ago). Turns out his favorite video game character was named Merric. Greaaat.
So that's my name yup. It kinda bugs me sometimes causes it’s so long but then I just think "Hey...people with long names get FAMOUS." So then I don’t care. But YOU just call me Prince Legend Chosen the First.
Now I wrote alllloooooooooooootttttttttt About my name. Because...my name is me? Well...more stuff about me....my favorite color is silver....and...I’m TOTALLY AWESOME! Umm....I live in Milan Italy. I’m...8? I go to Milano Olona Accademia (it's a private school that runs from kindergarten to grade 8) I go there with Katie....um. I LOVE mountain boarding. What's that you ask? THE AWESOMEST Sport EVER! It's a little bit of skateboarding and snowboarding combined. I’m a bit of a newbie but I'm getting sooo much better at it every day. So...dude writing this is hard. I guess...I won’t really explain myself anymore cause I’m complicated. You'll under stand me and what I like soon enough though.
Time to explain my family. I won't go into much detail cause they aren't as important as me: Dad - He is my dad. He goes to work. He feeds me. Wow. He's also pretty cool I guess, buying me toys and stuff. He's usually pretty fun it takes ALOOOOOOTTT to get him mad. I guess that's cause he's an Auror. Mom - Dead. Never met her. Died when I was a weeee baby. People say I look like her. Which makes me think 0_o DUDE I LOOK LIKE A DEAD LADY!?!?!? Desirae - She's my step mom. And pretty awesome at that. She washes my clothes which is GOOD cause dad can't wash clothes. (One time my dad turned all my white clothes PINK. Chyeah you know those went in the garbage.) Rae is new to the family...her and my dad just got married a few months ago. I don't call her mom because...I'm not used to calling anyone mom. So it's easier for me to just call her Rae. She's fine with that. Tyson - Idiot. Fool. Loser. Geek. BAD BROTHER! He's my older brother. I JUST found out about him last year!! The dude ran away from home when I was a baby too! He sucks. I don't like him. Miguel - Step bro. Can you picture someone worse than Tyson? No. Well this dude IS. He's like...BAD, EVIL! MEAN. DISGUSTING AND A BULLY. But I’m HAPPY he’s off away at school, Alexis – My older sis. She’s 15 and the awesomest. I like her the most in my family but SHHH don’t tell dad. I kinda miss her right now cause she’s off away at Hogwarts (wizard school) Savannah – XD Dude she’s not my sister but she might as well be. She also calls me her little protector. She’s awesome like Lex (they are best friends), and her mom treats me as a son. Only problem with that is than I’d have to be related to KATIE
So that’s my family quickly described. Now on to my friends. Since im sooooo popular and awesome I have waaaay too many friends so I cant talk about them all here. Im just gonna tell you about my bests friends: First theres Kayla. She’s a girl. I know what your thinking YUCK right? But she’s actually kinda pretty cool…I call her Mickey. She usually stops fights between me and Katie. Then there’s Leah. Another girl I know EW!! But she’s also pretty cool I guess. I just met her recently. She’s smart…..for a girl. And maybe, possibly, a little pretty. But I SWEAR if she pats me on the head like a dog again I’ll bite her. Next is lil Danny. Dude’s shy. Dudes really shy. DUDE SHOULD GET THE AWARD FOR BEING THE SHYEST PERSON IN THE WORLD. Yet he’s awesome (of course he hangs with me) He’s pretty quite now a days but still awesome old Danny. Mat comes next dude. He’s the Dude of Dudes. When I become king imma name him my official DUDE! Mat hates girls just as much as I do, loves pranks AND loves boy stuff. See? Soo dudeish. Theres also William aka Free Willy. He’s…alright…I guess…kinda. Jae is next: that kid is Flipping awesome!!!! Almost like Mat cept he has a ACCENT! And it makes him AWESOMER!! (if thats possible) He helps danny alot too so thats like.. a big bro little bro thing going on. Next is Julian. The CALMEST boy EVER. He doesn’t get mad. And he can HANDLE Katie. I know its like ZOMEOMGWTFONACHICKENLEG!!!! Because of that I soo respect him. And lastly (hehe and leastly XD) There is Katie. She’s a evil little snotty cry baby GIRL brat who thinks she gonna be Queen. (Um EWWWWW NOOO cause IM GONNA BE KING). But she also happens to be my friend. I’ve known her the longest. Since I was 5. SOMETIMES just SOMETIMES she’s ok. But most of the time she a snotty, brat yada yada basically everything I said before.
I have some more school friends but I’ll talk about them tomorrow or something.
So….I think that’s it for today. Im really tired from all this writing. And tomorrow is school . So….later dude!
Hasta La Vista!
- Prince LJHSMC Legend
__________________ {act like you know me, but you never will}__{but there's one thing that I know for sure} {i'll show you}
Last edited by Kissing.Doves; 07-30-2008 at 04:31 AM.