Yeahhh, Mr White! Yeah science! “My pleasure.” he smiled. He'd be shaking his booty around the kitchen in his pinny with his wine and having a ball tonight. Cooking was hardly a chore to him – it was great fun. Tweet would be able to wash those pans later on – give the wee elf something to do and show her that Nathan wasn't trying to put her out of a job.
He laughed at her slip and winked in response. “That's a really good idea. We should have them over to dinner one night. Invite them separately so they don't know the other's going to be there.” he suggested. Alexa would probably beat Nathan up for pulling such a stunt but it would definitely be worth it.
He nodded when she told him to be careful. “Is that actually true about someone getting fired for bumping into Mrs Cooper?” He raised his eyebrows. "That's nuts." Angelina Gilmore had better watch out.. she was the clumsiest woman Nathan had ever met.. and she worked in the Minister's office! “Glad to hear it.” What hell the the Law Department... albeit a fraction of the Law Department endured that day. Things would have been a lot easier with security on their side.
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