Originally Posted by
Tomasina Riddle
"Well Lord Greenwood you have certainly thought this out. I look forward to get it." She was really glad that Nathan was in the kitchen now. The children weren't as nice with their comments about her food as Nathan was. She was a little sad that they wouldn't know about Ghanaian food, but that was the trade off to marrying someone who wasn't from the same place. "She loves them as much as we do, and I am happy about it."
She grinned wickedly. "It is a date then." She told him. "Those two are terrible. They are fighting their love for each other." She said wondering why love would make someone act like that. She never wanted to be away from Nathan. Their love pushed them together.
"I think I need to bring in enough coffee for the whole ministry. Everyone complains about the coffee." She said with a smirk. She held his gaze. It was weird not being on the same level with her husband. To nip into the break room and find him sleeping on the couch. Or walk down the hall and see him at his desk. She missed that more than she wanted to admit.
She thought about his question. "Not a whole lot to do really." She told him honestly. "Oh that staff is fine. Really nice, I think I will get along great with them."
He rubbed his hands together in anticipation.
“Excellent.” he said with a smile.
He liked the wicked grin. He rarely saw that face on Egypt but it made him mirror the expression in response.
“I don't understand it. Warren's been pretty open about the subject with me but he just closes up when he speaks to Alexa.” he shook his head.
“I don't get it. Alexa was in a right state the other day.”
He laughed.
“Good coffee would make for happier more constructive workers. Cooper needs to get his priorities right.” he muttered quietly so only Egypt would hear. Woe betide anyone heard speaking ill about the Minister of Magic... or so Nathan had heard from (un)reliable sources.
“Ah.. that's bad. You'll be grateful for these breaks when the elves start rebelling again though.” he teased. If security actually got involved this time that is.
“You know I requested their help that day and only one fella helped. One. Richard... keep an eye out for him. He's a good chap.” He told her.