Join Date: Jul 2003 Location: Ferrix: GMT-6
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Hogwarts RPG Name: Moritz Schultz (#0f667e) Ravenclaw Seventh Year Hogwarts RPG Name: Nancy Schultz (#ac6f77) Hufflepuff Fourth Year x11 x1
| curly haired prefect - "sometimes I get angry!" - 30/90 - *chicken emoji* - probably @ Disney - I speak dog
*drumroll* It's finally here...the infamous CANNA date forever saved in the QQ Quote:
Originally Posted by Lissy Longbottom Cale smiled as she took her seat, and then headed to his, stumbling slightly as he tripped on the tablecloth and almost pulled all the place settings to the floor. EEK! And he had been doing so good on the date too!
Blushing, he sat down in his seat. "Well, to be honest, I didn't go until the next morning once the bleeding stopped, cause it didn't seem that bad at first. Probably not the smartest thing to do," he said with a chuckle.
He then picked up his menu and began to read over it. Were they going to order food? Or just talk? He hadn't thought that far ahead. He really wasn't all that hungry...he decided to let Anna decide what to do. He hoped she wasn't one of those girls who didn't each a lot on dates. He hated girls like that. It was like they thought they were fat or something. And Anna was NOT fat. She was cute and pretty and perfect. Quote:
Originally Posted by MuggleBornWitch3 The more time Anna spent with Cale, the more she realized that yes, she was indeed becoming one of "those girls." You know, the type of girl that thinks the world revolves around the boy they like. Take what just happened for example. Cale stumbles and nearly trips over a tablecloth, and what does Anna do? She finds herself mouthing the word "Awwwwwwww" and giving him that dreamy look all over again. Of course he had his back turned when she did it, or else he just may have thought she was crazy had he seen what she did. She thought his clumsiness was absolutely, positively one of the cutest things about him. Oh, yes. Anna was becoming one of "those girls."
"Bleeding?" she nearly shrieked. "Cale! You could have had a concusion! Thank Merlin you didn't, but you could have." She playfully rolled her eyes, and then, noticing that he'd picked up a menu, she followed suit and did the same. Were they going to actually eat? Anna didn't know, so she decided to the safe thing - order tea. "You know what? I think I'll have tea," she said. "Now the question is, what kind should I get?" Quote:
Originally Posted by Lissy Longbottom Cale let out a sigh of relief. "Yeah, I think I'll have tea too. I'm really not in the mood for food," he said with a smile. As he looked over the choices, he tried to calm his nerves once more. He was just so worried about doing everything perfectly--not making any mistakes, and making this the best first date that it could be. He already had their...well, he had a bit planned out in his head, and he wanted things to go exactly the way he pictured them. He wanted to be the perfect date. For Anna.
He nervously ran a hand through his hair again. Should he have cut his sideburns for the occassion? They were getting rather long. It baffled him how he could grow such massive sideburns, yet it took him nearly 3 weeks to grow a mustache. Actually, he wasn't sure, he had never tried. He didn't think he would look too good with a mustache.
Blinking and realizing that his thoughts had strayed, he looked up at Anna again. It had gotten awfully quiet. Maybe he should talk. "So, how are things with you?" he asked. Quote:
Originally Posted by MuggleBornWitch3 Anna noticed that Cale let out a sigh and figured that he must have been hoping she wasn't in the mood for food either. That was actually a relief, though, because she'd been worried that he had really been hoping for a big meal and all she'd hoped for was tea. Anyway, all of that seemed to be settled now.
"Hmm, how are things with me?" she repeated. "Well, they're a lot better now," she said, looking up at him and clearly referring to the fact that this little date was exactly what had made things all better. "Actually, things are a little boring over at Belle's. Ever since the whole deal with the house points, no one ever really comes and hangs out in our Common Room anymore. It's always so deserted, Cale. Is that how your Common Room is? I guess I feel all alone sometimes, and I really, really wish we could combine schools and be together again. I just don't think I can go through another year of this," she explained. "Would you believe that I - Anna Greingoth - missed three classes lately?" She laughed a little and then hung her head. "I guess I should be truthful and admit to you that tonight does make things all better, though."
"Ugh!" she exclaimed, throwing her head back against the seat. "I must sound pathetic," she laughed. "Anyway, tell me, what have you been doing all this time? Tell me how life's been since I don't really ever get to see you." Quote:
Originally Posted by Lissy Longbottom "Our common room is ok. We pretty much just hang around and chat, mostly about girls," he added with a wink. "Well, I've kept you up to date on pretty much everything that's happened in classes. Nothing much more exciting since the niffler incident, though," he told her.
Cale blushed and looked down at his hands, grinning in spite of himself. "Yeah, this pretty much makes things a lot better for me too," he said, looking back up at her again. "I'm just so glad that we finally got to do this, after all those months of having to hold everything inside," he added. Ok, that sounded a bit girly, but he didn't care at the moment. All he cared about was that he was finally here, with her, and that was when he made up his mind. He was going to go for it. Now was the perfect moment. When else might he get the chance to do what he had been dying to do for months?
Taking a deep breath and praying to Merlin that nothing screwed this up, he slowly leaned towards her. He was so scared right now--what if she didn't want to kiss him back? What if she thought it was too soon to kiss? What if he had freaked her out and she was about to run screaming from the room?
Well, he would never find any of that out, because at that moment, something horrible happened.
He lost his balance, and toppled out of his chair, mid-pucker. Then, like the true idiot that he was, he grabbed onto the table cloth to steady himself, which only led to him dumping a glass of water right on Anna's lap. It was all a big mess of white tablecloth, water, and silverware that came toppling down to the floor. He couldn't stop the fall, and landed with a soft thud next to Anna's chair, and he jumped up in horror when he finally realized what he had done. "Ohmigosh! I'm so sorry!" he exclaimed, grabbing a napkin. "Here, let me help you clean up!" he murmered.
Ok, this was it. It was official. This was the most embarrassing moment in Cale Newell's life. Ever. Nothing could top this. Not even the air guitar incident. Quote:
Originally Posted by MuggleBornWitch3 "Ugh, at least you get to hang out and chat. I still don't understand what happened to our Common Room," Anna said, a trace of sadness in her voice. "I want to go to school with you," she said, smiling a shifty smile at him. "We could talk all the time then! And I may even get into a pillow fight with all of you!" Anna giggled at her sillyness, although, she had to admit that if she were offered the opportunity to move to Cooper's right now, she'd have her stuff packed faster than one could blink an eye.
"I still can't believe this is really happening either," she replied. "I used to think all the time about how much I really liked you and how you'd probably never like me back. You have no idea how much this really means to me, Cale." Anna couldn't help to think to herself that she was probably embarrassing herself just a little, but she honestly didn't care about that at all. She'd realized the hard way that time with Cale was few and far between, and she couldn't afford to waste a single second with him.
And apparently he wasn't going to waste a single second with her either.
Anna's heart began to race at extremely high speeds as she watched Cale come closer and closer and closer towards her. Oh my gosh. A wave of panic ran through Anna. [I[What if I mess up? This is my first kiss! What if I don't do it right? Ugh! What if I do it all wrong? He'll probably never want to take me out again![/I]
Well, Anna never had to worry about any of that at all. It all happened kind of slowly in Anna's eyes. She'd seen a few muggle movies, and she knew that sometimes everything slowed down to a crawling speed so that the moment could be properly focused on. This moment was no exception. Just as Cale had finally made a pucker of his lips, everything within a close proximity started to slide off the table and tumble in all directions....including a full glass of water that landed right in Anna's lap. A cold glass of water.
Anna's eyes got wide as quaffles and her jaw dropped open. "Ahhh! Cold!" she quietly exclaimed, quickly removing a few pieces of ice from her skirt. Oh my gosh, it looked like she used the bathroom on herself! "CALE! Are you okay?" she asked, bending down to help him off the floor. When Anna noticed him jump up, she went to raise her head but only proceeded in banging it on the bottom side of the table, knocking to the ground the few pieces of ice that hadn't fallen before. "Ow!" she exclaimed, rubbing the top of her head.
Only Cale and Anna would have a first date like this. Quote:
Originally Posted by Lissy Longbottom "Oh no!" Cale exclaimed as she bumped her head. "Um, here," he said, handing her a napkin. He would have offered to help clean her off, but that didn't seem like a good idea right now. GAH! She would probably never want to go on another date with him again. They had only been on this date for...what, 30 minutes at the most? And he had already gone and made a huge mess of things!
"Sorry," he mumbled, helping her into her chair and then sitting back down in his chair next to her. "Are you alright?" he asked, looking at her head. "Oh no, you've got a red spot on your forehead," he said, gently taking his face in her hands and tilting her head to the side so that he could examine the damage HE had caused a bit better. Quote:
Originally Posted by MuggleBornWitch3 Anna took the napkin from Cale and started to dry her skirt as much as she could. Most of it would have to dry on its own, though. Wow. It was so cold. Anna allowed Cale to help her off the floor, and when she settled back into her seat, she said, "Really, it's okay. It's honestly no problem whatsoever, and if you remember correctly, I nearly stumbled and took you down with me outside just a few minutes ago. I'm okay, I promise. Are you okay?" she asked.
That was when he grabbed her face with hands and began to examine a red spot that she supposedly had adorning her face now. With him that close, she easily became one of "those girls" again. She drifted off into his eyes and got this silly grin on her face. "You're so perfect," she said, not realizing she'd actually said that aloud. Quote:
Originally Posted by Lissy Longbottom "I'm fine," he said with a smile, continuing to look at her bump. "Yeah, that's going to leave a mark for a day or two," he added with a chuckle, finally letting go of her face.
That was when she said it. She said he was perfect. He blushed and looked at his Converse once more. "Nah, I think that's just the bump talking," he joked, rubbing the back of his neck nervously. "It's not me who's perfect. You're perfect," he told her.
And then he felt it. In his heart. He knew that now was the right time. It hadn't been before, like he had thought. It was right now. Who knew the next time they would get to see each other? And they had just told each other that the other one was perfect. So, naturally, this was THE perfect time. He didn't even feel nervous about it anymore. His face wasn't red, his palms weren't sweaty, and his heart wasn't going a mile a minute.
Taking care to not lose his balance in the chair again, he slowly leaned forward, closed his eyes, and gently kissed her on the lips. Quote:
Originally Posted by MuggleBornWitch3 Anna gently patted her face where the red mark was supposedly at. "It's really okay. It'll just give me another excuse to think of you everytime I see it," she replied. Wow, did she just say that? Yes, she did! She'd just really realized that she was no longer nervous around him, and she honestly felt like she could say whatever she wanted to now. She didn't know when she would see him again, so there was no use holding anything back.
That was when he told her she was perfect. So she did say that aloud a few moments before. "No, you're perfect," she whispered back. This was turning into some sort of romance movie or novel of some kind it seemed.
And then, to top it all off, it finally frazzling happened. He kissed her! The best part was that no one fell or knocked anything over this time! No, that wasn't the best part. The best part was the kiss. It was just an added bonus that it actually happened with no castastrophes this time. Anna closed her eyes, leaned in, and kissed him right back. Surprisingly, she wasn't embarrassed at all. Sure, Cale Newell was perfect, but kissing Cale Newell was even more perfect. Quote:
Originally Posted by Lissy Longbottom Cale felt like grinning when she kissed him back, but of course that would be kind of hard to do since he was kissing her! He was kissing Anna Greingoth! He kissed her back for a few seconds, before he decided it was best to break the kiss, just so they didn't seem like one of those couples that had to be locked at the mouth constantly. How gross!
"Wow," he chuckled once they broke apart. He gave her one last quick peck on the lips before finally pulling away for good. Kissing her had been just like he had imagined, only better. NOW his cheeks began to blush and he chuckled nervously again. Gah. He needed a book on how to date or something. Because now, he had no idea what to do. And then, Thorton had to come in and ruin things by shouting and being that LOVEABLE teacher all the boys at Coopers adore [/sarcasm]
__________________ I'm still standin'________________________________________ better than I ever did 
Lookin' like a true survivor_________________________________feelin' like a little kid |