06-27-2004, 09:21 PM
#13 (permalink)
Guest | Quote: Originally posted by Marcella_Riddle@Jun 27 2004, 12:51 AM Updates about the book six title rumor from TLC -
Since the rumor of the title of the next Harry Potter book came about yesterday, many fans aswell as sites have been trying to figure out whether it's real or not.
Updates about the book six title rumor from TLC TLC promised, as did CBBC Newsround to try and get to the bottom of these rumors for fans as soon as they possibly could. The guys at TLC have now posted two updates concerning the matter, showing how the rumor: Harry Potter and the Pillar of Storgé, could be fake. Update: As many Leaky readers have pointed out, some of the text is Americanized ("realized" instead of "realised," as is common British spelling), and some small details don't seem to match JKR's writing - i.e., "more clever," instead of "cleverer" (she has used "cleverer" and "cleverest" throughout the books - I'd daresay this is also the proper grammar but I don't have my reference book at hand). Also, the continous lack of a "how to" for finding this book, both from the original emailer and the legions (surely there are many clever fans who would have figured out how to duplicate the mistake by now) is troubling. Update #2: This is most likely a hoax. A very good hoax, and we don't know if it's a fan cackling at his screen right now, or JKR sitting at home cracking up at all we fanatics. But Leaky readers have sent in more reasons to disbelieve this: apparently the font that "Book 6" is written in does not appear anywhere else on the site; the graining on the desk is odd; the "help" button on the page flickers whereas it stays solid throughout the rest of the site, and the Dark Mark is on the wrong side of the page (it should cover the spoiler area and require clicking.) Someone noted that it would be strange for JKR to put up info on the site before it was to be revealed - but that's not true, as it seems her wizard of the month and fan site award were automatically made live on the first. Many are also speculating as to who's "typing up" her words - now, we don't know if she is sitting at her desk actually uploading things (Lightmaker may have set her up with a system like Blogger or Movable Type, where she can update without going into code), or if she is sending things to Lightmaker for posting - but it's been made fairly clear to us that she is typing them, not dictating them.
4) Although the text circulating the Internet said that the date on the post was July 1, a closer look at the video reveals that the date is "22.06.04" (June 22).
It is a bit strange that she would include a difficult-to-pronounce word such as Storgé in the title of her book.
For one, "she" uses American punctuation instead of British punctuation on this sentence: The more clever Potter fans may recognize that the title relates directly to both 'Order of the Phoenix' and 'Chamber of Secrets.'
In Britain, the ending quotation mark should go inside the period. As I was reading her biography on her site today, I noticed that she punctuated things the "British way," which leads to the assumption that either she made a typo in her book 6 post (the same problem appears in the next paragraph, except with a comma rather than a period) or that an American typed it up for her.
The first assumption seems incorrect because it is unlikely that she would make the same mistake twice in a row. The second doesn't seem likely either, because she affirmed that she is indeed the one writing the things on her website, and I'm sure Lightmaker made some easy system allowing her to update, so she could do it herself. Another reason the second assumption does not seem probable - the title of the sixth book is classified information, and she wouldn't let just any staff member at Lightmaker type that up, because then it would leak in no time.
Basically, in short, all this means that the Harry Potter book six title is most likely fake.
Source: TLC & Mugglenet. Addition by Dumbledore: And since when does she refer to her fans as "Potter fans"? Doesn't she just say "fans"? (Notice my punctuation is the british way. lol! I've lived here too long I guess.) I didn't understand yet! what is the book's title??
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