Join Date: Aug 2006
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| An Outline in the Life of Queen Katie - Sa13+ Fortress of Brilliance ღ Mommy Quad  Credit goes to Laura's Little Leprechaun Graphics for the banner ^___^
Haiiii peoples for those who don't know, my name is Gracie. This is the diary of my next school charrie to come after Savannah graduates It's her little sister. Afew might have heard of her as being the evil one, or something. All those comments tend to either be from Legend or OOC entirely. You be the judge. She really isn't that bad; just small, spunky and full of personality I'd like to think. xD Uhm.. yeah, I hope you guys enjoy. BIG huge thankyou to Stitch, for coming up with the brilliant title!  -------------------
Entry links /♥/: Entry #2/♥/Entry #9 Entry #3/♥/Entry #10 Entry #4/♥/Entry #11 Entry #5/♥/Entry #12 Entry #6/♥/Entry #13 Entry #7/♥/Entry #14 Entry #8
------------------- February 1st, 2066
5:06PM Dear Diary,
Hi, I'm your new owner! Erm, I guess that means your like a silent pet I get to tell secrets to and tell things, without the troubles of feeding or walking you. That's rather fabulous! Anywho. I got you from Auntie Savina (Drewery) as an early birthday present; she thought the black cover with silver butterflies was perfect for me, and that I should write my feelings and thoughts because it'll help me feel better. Or so she seys, we'll see though.
Maybe I should introduce myself? I am a Witch. I can confidently say that, because I have experienced more abnormal things than I can count. So more than any muggles should have experienced.
Mummy is a Witch, too. And Daddy is a muggle. I have eleven other sisters and brothers, and I'm nineth born, the younger of myself and my twin brother Julian. We aren't identical, but number ten and eleven are. Mummy and Daddy had three sets of twins, the oldest was Joseph and Savannah, then came Julian and me, then Lissy and Lydia << Twin wise only.
Uhm, I think we're getting off topic. Okay, so let me get back to what I was saying! My name is Kaitlynnh Gelilah Cantara Kayleigh Mae. Now tell me that's not a mouth full?! I blame my sisters: Savannah picked Gelilah, Madison picked Cantara and Regina picked Kayleigh. Mummy always use to let us help pick our new brother or sister's names. Now wasn't that a mistake?
I live in Milan, Italy. Down the street from the Chosens, and of course other neighbors that aren't important enough to write about at this time. Oooh, except Hunter! But we'll get back to him later.
Anyways, I'm turning nine years old in twelve days (You do NOT count the day your on or the day of your birthday!) which is.. dundundun, Valentines day. I would say it's special or something but thousands of others I've never heard of have the same birthday, so whateverr. Moving on! I go to a local muggle school, just like each of my brothers and sisters have before starting Wizarding school, and I go to figure skating lessons, along with ballet classes. Ballet helps in skating, mind you. I've been ice skating since I was three, it's something I'm better at than my siblings and that makes me feel good.
Have I mentioned I'm Queen? Hmm. No. I haven't. Well I'm.. technically not. Not yet, but I want to be Queen. Legend and I argue about that. Alot. It's at the top of the list. He seems to think he will be King, which is not going to happen. Because the only way he can be King, and I can be Queen at the same time... NO. Nonononono. Not even going to go there. Ick. Legend is an annoying booooy. Ehm, actually he's one of my bestest friends, I met him when he as four or five and I'm eight months older than him. He's still annoying though. His sister is Alexis, who is a best friend of Savannahs. Mummy even treats the Chosens like family, I think her and they're daddy went to school together a long time ago. They're about the same age right?
Ohkay. Queen Katie's presence is being requested by the village people (Lydia, Lissy and Gabriel.) I must leave you now, until next time.
XoX - Kaitlynnh
__________________ Dream. Try. Do Good.
I love you all,
Class dismissed.
Last edited by D.A Forever; 01-22-2009 at 02:48 AM.
Reason: Finished.