Join Date: Jan 2007 Location: ❤
Posts: 30,851
Hogwarts RPG Name: Bramble "Bram" Wyatt Lennox Graduated | ThunderPUFF | Whoodley | MRD&LKD | Graphics Queen | Tristalen | Mrs. A | Hunny Bun
Alright lovers! Here is my 4th entry! Like i said in my last i will be gone for 10 days. So you will have to wait untill i get back for my next entry.
I know this one is very long, but believe me its worth it. You will learn alot about maddox.
Please leave me some comments! I really love them.
I will be back August 3rd! See you all then!
Suzy December 5 (10:30 pm),
Today was an awesome day. It was the Hufflepuffs first quiditch match, which I got to play, and we won. It was awesome. Our seeker Curt is one of the fastest seekers I have ever seen. Mia, our captain, has been working us so hard, and she is an amazing chaser. Everyone on our team was awesome today. I’m still nervous to play with girls though. I'm just not used to it.
At Drumstrang the girls and guys always had separate teams because of the fact that the guys were so rough, and so much bigger then the girls. Generally the guys liked to keep their wands on them, just in case. In my case, I got a months worth of detention once because I sent a curse at Nico and he now has a V shaped scare. But that’s besides the point.*clearsthroat* Hopefully I will get used to it before the championship game, otherwise I'm going to hate myself. Well, not really, but I will be really upset. Hopefully we will win. Especially since it’s Mia’s Last year.
Anyway, off to bed.
Sucky chaser December 11 (9:13 pm),
I don’t even know where to start right now. I’m so angry. I guess I will start at the beginning.
Today was the next Hogsmead visit. It was going pretty well until I walked away to use the restroom. When I came back to the table Lima and I were sitting at, I noticed my journal was sitting on the table. I asked lima why it was there, she said when I left I kicked my bag over and it fell on her foot so she put it on the table until I got back. I figured ok no big, and she said she didn’t read it.
Then we started talking. I told her about my aunt being in St. Mungo’s because she was out in the garden pruning, (not magically), and she cut her self extremely bad, so my mom had to take her there. Then she said it. She said, and I quote, "I hope she isn’t as bad off as you were in St. Mungo's." She clapped her hand to her mouth and couldn’t believe she just let that out. She had read my journal. My entry about the fight. The very entry I didn’t want her to read, because I wasn’t ready to tell her every detail. She knew I got hurt. But she didn’t know I was in a coma, and she didn’t know what I had done.
I know she felt bad, because then she started saying she would understand if I wanted to break up with her, and all this other stuff. I was about to tell her that it was ok and that I wasn’t even thinking about that, I just wanted her to be honest with me. Just before I could tell her, some girl walks up to the table and starts talking to Lima. I calmly asked her to leave because we were having an important conversation. Little did I know the girl, Sam, was Lima's cousin. Not only did Sam get mad at me for politely asking her to leave, but so did LIMA! I got yelled at by Lima and Sam. So I pretty much gave up the conversation and left after that. I couldn’t believe she got mad at me for asking her cousin to leave; I was very nice about it too, when she's the one that read MY journal.
Gahhhhhhhhhhh! I need a punching bag right now. Seriously....*takes a deeeeeep breath* I'm sure I won’t be angry in a couple days but, man, it was completely uncalled for. I’m gonna go to bed now before I get even more mad.
Night December 18 (2:42 am),
I have had nightmares every night since my last entry. This’s been Lima. It’s really starting to scare me. I don’t know how much more of this I can take. It was a different scenerio this time.
Lima and I were walking in a park, and I got hit with a body-binding spell. I was...on the ground watching. I couldn’t move. I couldn’t help her. My wand was about five feet from me but I couldn’t move. I could tell that it was another girl fighting with Lima, but the other girl was much stronger then her, and was beating the crap out of her. Lima put up a strong fight but in the end the other girl knocked her out and then used the killing curse on her.
I think it was the worst nightmare I have ever had. My heart is still beating so wildly I can hardly breathe. I’m so wet from sweat that its like just took a shower or something. I'm pretty sure I know what’s triggered it. I’m stressed out about the fight I had with lima, and the anniversary of my fathers death is coming up. Hopefully, after I get to talk to her again I won’t be so stressed out.
Well I’m going to try to get back to bed I have classes in the morning. December 20 (4:38 pm),
So the day after I had the worst nightmare ever, I found out that today would be a co-ed flying lesson...a secret co-ed flying lesson. It was awesome. The girls were supposed to dress as boys so in secret I sent some clothes of mine to Lima. I will not reveal how I got them there. Anyways, I was the first person to class, then came curt, who has become a pretty good friend since we started quiditch and destroyed all the ugly purple in the common room together. Ha...that was fun.
Anyways, then Mia came in dressed like a guy. It was kinda fitting...not saying she’s manly, she’s just kina a tomboy. Anyways, then came in Lima. She looked like a dwarf in humans clothing it was so adorable. She sat next to me, and started to appologize, I told her to forget about it. It’s hard for me to stay mad at her. Then Sam came in. She addressed me by my last name, and sat next to Lima. I said hello and ignored her. I continued to talk with Lima, quietly, when I hadn’t realized that, Professor V. had started to ask questions and such so I lost 5 points for talking. He always seems to get me for some reason.
Anyway, after we had out Q&A session we played quidditch for the rest of the class. I played a quick game with Cale and Anna while Lima watched. At one point I managed to stop right in front of her and didn’t realize it and she slammed into me. We had a tiny argument but she calmed down. I asked her why she wasn’t playing. She said she wasn’t any good, which really she just had some confidence issues. So we tossed the quaffle for a while, while flying I made her throw it hard and she somehow managed to aim at my head. It’s a good thing it was an old ball or she would have knocked me out.’s been a good day. I don’t think I’m going to have any nightmares for a while. December 25 (10:30 am)
So I got some presents today. On from mum and one from Lima. Lima sent her letter and present to my mum so she wouldn’t get into trouble. If they knew where we sending stuff via my mom we would be in soooo much trouble! Anyway, here is the letter from Lima: Quote:
My dearest My Maddox,
Merry Christmas!
I hope that you are having a great Holidays and that everything is going well with you. I wish that I could spend this time with you, but I am glad that I’ll at least see you next month. I miss you terribly *blush* For even though we only started dating a few months ago and haven’t seen each other too often, I am so fond of you already. You make me feel so happy; you have no idea. I always look forward to the Hogsmead visits so much just because of you. You always make me feel so special and you understand me too. You understand me more than a lot of the people I know do. And I appreciate you so much. I would never really think anything badly of you, even when we fight. For I can never stay mad at you; you always know how to get through to my heart. And now I am blushing even more from telling you all this…
I am sending you my picture along with this letter. It is a small gift, but one that I want you to have. Now you can see my face whenever you want to, and not just during Hogsmead visits.
With all my Love
P.S. I totally just realized that your last name is from Pride and Prejudice. *giggles* That is so awesome! I’m dating Mr. Darcy. *snorts*
Here is the beautiful picture she got for me and a drawing she made me:  
She’s so funny. I already sent her letter off to mum along with the present I got her. It’s a beautiful locket. If I had a picture of it I would show you but I don’t. Mum sent me a letter and gave me 100 galleons to do whatever I want to do with it. So we are wealthy big deal....Anyways...she also is trying to prepare me for the anniversary of my fathers death. So here is her letter: Quote:
My dearest Maddox,
Hello darling, how are you? I’m doing well. I'm going to be spending the next few days with your Aunt. I’m so glad I have her right now. Anyways, Happy Christmas darling. I didn’t get you an actual gift because your taste is so different from mine, so I figured at the next Hogsmead visit you could get what you wanted. I have sent with this letter 100 galleons, do as you wish with it.
Now onto my next subject. Don’t worry I will be brief. Its 2 days to the anniversary of your father’s death. I want you to prepare for it. It’s hard every year, but after what happened to you, I feel its going to be even harder. I love you my darling. Know that I am just an owl away.
Happy Christmas, and be good to your girlfriend darling she’s very sweet.
All my love,
You’re Mum
(Mya Darcy)
Well, there’s not much more that I can say. I sent her a letter back already. Happy Christmas.
Maddox December 27 (8:45 pm),
I left dinner a little early. I didn’t think I was going to feel so sad and angry at the same time. Today is the anniversary of my father’s death. I had just turned 2 the month before, so I don’t even remember him. All I have are pictures of him holding me as a baby. I'm sad because that’s all the time I got with him. I'm angry because he left when he knew he wasn’t supposed to, and knew the deatheaters were looking for him. I sent my mum an owl to make sure she was doing alright. She replied back saying she was ok and wondering how I was. All I could reply was...Not good.
I wish I could talk to Lima. She doesn’t know what today is. I haven’t told her yet. I can’t wait till the next Hogsmead visit. Also my nightmares have steadily been getting worse.
Anyway, the new term starts in a couple of days so I’m going to get my homework done.
Ryder Darcy
__________________ ⫷ ⫷____________________________________________ I know that you're afraid to... 
...let all the dark escape you._____________________________________________⫸ ⫸ |