1. I smell better than a house elf.
2. I am taller than a house elf.
3. I can play quidditch better than a house elf.
4. I don't smack myself like a house elf.
5. Lord Borr couldn't teach elves the way he teaches us because elves don't listen.
6. No one can pull on my ears like a house elves'.
7. Nobody needs to give me a sock to set me free.
8. Elves can't ride on a broomstick, and certainly couldn't handle my broom Wild Thing even if they could!
9. Because I don't serve anyone and make a fool of myself like they do.
10. I'm better looking than a house elf.
"Look at number 5!! HAHAHAHAHA! You two, you're going down to teach those elves a lesson. Put them in their place. Yes, yes you are!"