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Old 07-23-2008, 07:14 PM   #67 (permalink)
Berty Borr

Very Busy & Important
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Join Date: Aug 2004
Location: Role Modeling
Posts: 790

Lord Borr was only half listening as he shuffled through is stack of homework papers. "Hmm? You were saying?"

- Lord Borr says that as a man, I am better, and what he says goes.
- I, as a man, am more superior than a lowly elf, and therefore better.
- As a man, I am taller and stronger than an elf.
- As I am a man, I am bigger than an elf. Therefore, I have a bigger brain, and am smarter.
- As a man, I wear cleaner, smarter clothes than a scruffy elf.
- As a man, I am more good-looking than an ugleh elf. I have normal sized features and don't have huge ears.
- Elves are weak creatures. I am a man, and I am wise and brave.
- As a man, I am well spoken and polite, not like those stoopid elves.
- I have the prospect to go far in life, get a worthwhile job and earn lots of gold, house elves are trapped cleaning for us, their superiors forever.
- As a big, strong man, I can handle my Butterbeer EASILY. House elves are weak, and the littlest drop make can make them walk into walls.

"TO RIGHT!" Lord Borr laughed out loud. "You boys, you boys are going to go down to the Kitchens and read these to those nasty elves. Right now."

Lord Borr picked out another and read,

1) Humans have higher IQ than Elves.
2) Humans have advantage over Elves due to their sizes.
3) Humans have better fighting skills than Elves.
4) Humans have the ability to learn from nature or teach themselves.
5) Humans can adapt to circumstances better than Elves.
6) The survivability factor of Humans is much greater than that of Elves.
7) Humans are better socially than Elves.
8) Unlike House Elves, humans are independent of their will.
9) Humans are better at inter-race relationships.
10) Humans are peace lovers and like to co-operate with nature and other races.
"HAHAHAHA!" Lord Borr laughed. "You men learned something in class!! I'm so proud!! Look at this one, look at this:

Lord Borr handed over the homeworks to Kingston and Billium and continued to read through the rest.

Someone unimportant whose name slips my memory made this signature.
Twas Lady Borr who did it, sir!
Boor's bringin' sexy back and yall just hatin'
Kingston: Marry me my lord. We're perfect for each other.
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