Through a frosted glass door behind the security desk in the Atrium lies a few offices. Down a short hallway and to your left lies the office for the Security Division Head. Continue down the hallway and at the very end is a blue and yellow door with round glass cut outs.
Egypt Greenwood
Department Head for Maintenance and Security
Is the nameplate stuck to the door. Walking into the office your feet are massages by the blue plush carpet under your feet. One expansive wall is covered from top to bottom with books of varying subjects, and on the other there are pictures of her family. Her husband and children can be seen running in and out of most of them. In the center of the room is a round Lucite desk with a blue chair behind.
Egypt's door is always open to her employees and co-worker. She is not big on ceremonies like knocking. Just be respectful if someone else is already inside. If Mrs. Greenwood is not in her office feel free to have a seat on the couch in front of her desk and help yourself to the chocolates on her desk and wait. Or leave her a nice little note and she will get back to you as soon as possible.