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Old 07-19-2008, 01:12 AM   #5 (permalink)

Forest Troll
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At the loony bin ❣ Ubiquitous ❣ Brain!nvader ❣ !Wake The Dead¡

Adventurous Adventure: 40. Sonorus

This one's for McGonogall!


“Geerrrooof!” Sirius hissed.


Ouch!” Peter whimpered.

“That ought to teach you to move your bum out of my face”.

“Be quite. Or we’ll get caught” Remus hissed.

“Told you we should have kept Peter out of it” Padfoot pointed out.

“We ought to go back, its nearing midnight” Moony interjected pulling Peter up to stand on his feet.

“No!” Sirius and James shrieked, “We’ve come a long way to retreat”.

“I’ll go last this time” Sirius said with finality glaring at Peter, “you better hold strong or I’ll be feeding you to Moony myself!”

Peter whimpered.

Marauders, all dressed in black garments took their positions except for Peter whom remained at the very bottom; Remus climbed up his shoulders, James followed, Sirius last to follow making the very top shoulder before shoving the window open.

“What do you see?” James inquired.

“Ivory” Sirius mused.


“Bubbles” he sighed.

“He’s lost it” Remus grumbled.

“Wild berries” he sniffed

“What did he just say?”

“I believe he said-“ James got cut-off by a high pitched voice uttering “Sonorus”, all boys peered down to spot McGonagall before her loud voice echoed throughout the grounds. “I believe he said detention boys!”

Mermaids, Zombies,...Blackbeard.
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