Chapter 18 Part 1
They walked downstairs and through to the kitchen.
“Ginny! You look fantastic!” Hermione squealed from the kitchen table. Mrs Weasley had de- bearded Fred and George no longer had a black eye.
“Thanks, Hermione! I'll talk to you when we get back, okay? Or Harry'll start moanin that we're gonna be late...” Ginny said, as Hermione nodded at her. Ron caught Harry's eye and sliently started to ommunicate with him. Harry nodded slightly and tapped his pocket. Then he turned and spoke to the room.
“Right, Mrs Weasle, you know whats happening?” Harry said as Mrs Weasley nodded and smiled at him. “Well, then. Shall we go?” He asked Ginny, who nodded and started to walk towards the door.
Once they had walked to the end of the road, Harry knocked on a car window. The side door opened and Harry turned to Ginny.
“Here we are... Our first transport...” He said smiling as se climbed into the car. Harry clibed i afterwards and pulled the door shut.
“This is only taking us to a safer location.” He pointed out as she went to speak. She looked out the window and watched as thy entered the motorway.
“Do you remember when you first came to visit?” Ginny asked randomly, as she turned back to look at Harry.
“Didn't i arrive in a flying car and get Ron and the twins in trouble?” Harry asked as he thought back.
“Yeah... Remember when we went to Diagon Alley? You got lost?” She added as he shook his head.
“Oh yeah. And your dad had that fight in Florish and Blotts...” Harry said as he started to laugh. “Why?”
“Well, i just remembred that when Malfoy started on you there, that was the first time i spoke in front of you...” She said quietly as her gaze returned the window.
Harry put his hand on hers and squeezed it. “And Malfoy kinda said something i wanted to happen... Remember?” He said as she turned to face him.
When she shook her head, he pulled her closer to him and placed his hand round her waist. “When you stuck up for me, he said that I'd got myself a girlfriend... And inside, i was seretly wishin that it was true... but i didn't even know you. To me you wer Ron's little sister, but now, your Ginny Weasley, and my life...” He said as she looked up at him, smiling warmly.
“oh, i almost forgot,” Ginny said, as she curled her feet up underneath her and layed her head on Harry's chest. “What do you want for your birthday? It's only two days away...” she said as she looked up at Harry who was looking out the window.
“Oh, suprise me...” Harry said as he looked down into the soft brown eyes staring up at him. Ginny thought for a moment, and decided that she needed Hermione's help.
__________________  I Know You Don't Believe Me, But The Way I, Way I See It, Next Time You Point A Finger, I Might Have To Bend It Back, Or Break It, Break It Off... Next Time You Point A Finger, I'll Point You To The Mirror |