In my Eyes
It's in the eyes of the beholder
To understand what they see
To see themselves
In a different light
Than anyone else
It's different up close
Than from another
No one can explain it
Sadly, neither can I
Others laugh in bubbles
When I speak my mind
Once those words escape my mouth
The painful blood dribbles down
But they laugh
I want to think they don't want to expose themselves
By joining me
But I'm the coward
I'm the coward.
I can't understand bravery
What is it to each person?
All in the eyes of the beholder.
Bravery could be accepting one's self
I can't cross the finish line on that one
And now I watch through glass tears
The bright world of others
To me it is all painted black and white
Now the tears fall to the ground and shatter
All of my remains.