Welcome to this ff, Harry_Potter_Freak_1!
Here it is, everyone ... the last post! (dundundun!) (lmao)
don't worry, the sequel is in the works, and look for it soon ...
Chapter 15: Heals and Deals
Together, they walked away. They never looked back. None of them could believe that not even 24 hours ago, they all got married. It had been an extremely power-packed and exciting less than 24 hours, yet again. Their plane was leaving soon, and due to a stroke of luck, it was not sunny outside, but overcast. They all went to their respective hotel rooms to quickly
pack their clothes. They made it to the Airport 2 hours before the flight was due, so they made it in good time. They boarded the Canadian Flight to their honeymoons in the Yukon Territories. Jason, however, was going to Seymour Falls, the rainiest place in Canada, to track down some of some guy’s associates. They said their goodbyes, and boarded their respective flights. This flight, luckily, went by without incidents, except for a thunderstorm over Seymour Falls (have fun, Jason!), and eventually, they landed in Whitehorse, Yukon Territories.
The Potters honeymoon was held in Whitehorse, in a beautiful hotel (The Iced Queen). The Weasleys were in a cute shack out in the woods (The Love Shack – isn’t that a song?), and the Cullens were in a beautiful cottage by a lake. Carlisle saw them there, and then bid them farewell, and then left.
A week later, they left the Yukon’s to go their separate ways. On the last day, they all met up at a beautiful palace in the North (La Palai des Magicaux D’Ange-Aimée Morin) to discuss about meeting again one day.
“One day, you must come to England,” said Harry. “It’s amazing there. We can all go to Hogsmeade.”
“Then one day, you must come to Antarctica,” said Edward. “We’re moving there in about a month.”
“Deal!” everyone said at once. They laughed, and then left.
After going their separate ways, Edward and Bella went back to Forks for their last month in the town. Jacob was still upset with Bella, for he was still madly in love with her, but he couldn’t imprint her. The Cullens began packing so then they could move into South America while Bella grew used to being a vampire (she isn’t one yet, but will be soon

The Potters and Weasleys went back to England. Harry trained Ginny to be an Auror, with much snogging in the process of it. (

Ron and Hermione moved in with Harry and Ginny, and love to scare each other by acting as though Ron had walked in on Harry kissing Ginny, or the opposite, and soon it became a common joke in the house.
They wrote often to the Cullens by using Fawkes, who had come to live with them went they returned to England.
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I would like to thank all of you for reading my first fan-fic at Snitchseeker, because without any of you, this story would probably be abandoned, instead of growing into a sequel.
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and i almost forgot ... all characters in this story do not belong to me, but to J.K. Rowling, Stephenie Meyer, Mr. Shore, and Robert Ludlum. I only own the plot.