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Old 07-13-2008, 06:07 PM
allucha allucha is offline
Post Exclusive: Rare Goblet of Fire still in Photography Exhibition

I recently attended the National Media Museum to view an exhibition we had previously told you about.

The exhibition, celebrating photography and the publicity of celebrities, featured three new images from various Harry Potter films.

First, an unseen still from the Goblet of Fire in which Harry is underwater, preparing for the Triwizard task.

SPOILER!!: Clicky!

Secondly, an image of Harry and Ron flying the Weasley's car, from Chamber of Secrets.

SPOILER!!: Click Me!

Lastly, a bigger than lifesize display of Harry's face from Goblet of Fire..

SPOILER!!: Click!

As we had previously reported, two images which had been used to create the action figures were on display. They were old images of Hermione and Sirius from the Order of Phoenix promos, and I was unable to take any photos.
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