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Old 07-08-2008, 06:24 PM   #35 (permalink)
Berty Borr

Very Busy & Important
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Join Date: Aug 2004
Location: Role Modeling
Posts: 790

"It smells like garbage, class ---

--- BECAUSE IT IS GARBAGE." Lord Borr's breathing was erratic and coming even faster than the raging pulse in his forehead.

"Everyone GET UP. Get in a line behind IGNATIUS POTTER and we're going to my OFFICE. "NO HORSEPLAYING. Just get up, hands to yourself, and march yourself over to my office. Mr. Potter can go in first and FIND THE SOURCE."

OOC: Go to Lord Borr's office. Link here.

Someone unimportant whose name slips my memory made this signature.
Twas Lady Borr who did it, sir!
Boor's bringin' sexy back and yall just hatin'
Kingston: Marry me my lord. We're perfect for each other.
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