Chris Cookie Siriusly In Love Before you may go on with your story, there are a number of important points that need to be brought to your attention.
* This is a story thread, and NOT a chat thread. FF Mods have had to delete more than 50 posts from this thread, containing spam and inappropriate content, and gave warnings to 7 people for spam alone.
* Bottom line: Spam is not cool. Neither is discussing alcohol (so no singing 99 bottles of beer, kids!), nor promoting other people’s fan fiction in this thread. READ THE RULES! Most importantly, acquaint yourself with what ‘spam’ means, and what are the inappropriate topics restricted on SS, generally, and in the FF threads, respectively.
* The author of the thread holds responsibility for her story and should take assurances that her story follows the site rules. This isn’t your chat thread, and you are to make, like everyone else, ONLY comments relating to the story. For everything else, use the PM system. If you see spam, you need to report it and ask a mod to clean it up for you, not add to it.
* You should all be more respectful of the story and its readers. Your previous behaviour in this thread has determined us closing it and then taking all the necessary measures to remove and sanction inappropriate and spam comments. If the thread gets a lot of spam again, it will be permanently removed, without notice. Thank you,
FF Mods.