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Old 07-05-2008, 08:46 PM
Zellanna Zellanna is offline
Default [Cooper's] Herbology Lesson One

Erikson finished setting up the classroom, making sure that plenty of sunlight was filtering in. The back corner was blocked off and darkened quiet considerably. A sign noted "Beware of Devil's Snare." Various vines and a few ferns filled the classroom. Some moved and twitched, and others just laid there. Some were curled up small trellises and whatnot.

A sign at the front of the classroom read "Herbology Lesson One: Vines and their Raw Use"

He checked over everything twice before opening up the classroom and waiting for the students to trickle in. His hands itched for something to hold, and his left wrist felt unbearably bare. He swore to himself that eventually, when time permitted, he would obtain a new wand.

ooc: Sorry everyone! I thought I'd had this posted at 12:45 and apparently didn't!