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Old 07-02-2008, 11:11 PM   #52 (permalink)
Red Cap
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Join Date: Sep 2007
Location: Cutlery Ave, Forks
Posts: 89

Hogwarts RPG Name:
Ange-Aimée Belle Morin

HELLO EVERYONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Here it is! Chapter 14! you can't pillow me now, muahaha! (You can still pillow me if you want ... pillow fights are hilarious!) I dedicate this chapter to everyone who reads this, because without you, this chapter might not have ever happened.

Chapter 14: Drastic Measures, Ya Right!

The night passed on further with no incident. The police came, while everyone was sleeping … or in one case, feigning sleep, and took the video as evidence of some random lunatic who had named himself “Gollum”. Early next morning, “Gollum” was caught sneaking into the hospital, and arrested. During the night, however, while Edward feigned sleep, he knew that someone in the room stirred … the man that had been shot in the desert. He looked around and knew where he was. Then he simply closed his eyes and drifted again.


Jason woke up, and knew that he was in a hospital. Before, he never had to share a hospital room, except if it was with his wife, many years in the past. He looked left and saw a young man, with jet black hair, a thin, pale face, and a scar on his forehead. He was wearing a suit. A young woman, who looked strikingly alike to his dead wife, was asleep in a chair next to scar man. She was wearing a beautiful wedding dress. It was off the shoulders, hugged her waist, and flowed out to her small, white high heels. Next to her were sleeping another couple, a red haired man, gangly, and he also wore a suit, and the woman next to him had long, bronze colored hair and a strapless wedding dress, which hugged her waist and flowed out until past her high heels. To the right, however, there was a young woman, almost albino, by the looks of the extremely annoying fluorescent light, with beautiful, long, dark hair. She was wearing a wedding dress that looked, clearly, as though it was passed down through a few generations, a 1920’s design, by the looks of it, and from what he could see. Next to her was a young man, definitely albino, wearing a black suit, which enhanced his pale, god-like features. He had bronze hair and a slightly muscular body. He was slumped in an arm chair, definitely asleep. Jason turned around, and slowly, drifted off to unconsciousness.


At 10:59, House limped into the hospital, and quickly went to the Potter/Cullen/Bourne room.

“How are my beloved injured? Have nightmares about love?” House said sarcastically to all of them. Carlisle, who had been in the room since 6 a.m. that morning, simply said, “They are good to go. I operated on Mr. Bourne, and he’s good to go too. They have all had their post-operation check-ups. Shall I sign the release forms?”

House just stared at Cullen, and then said, “Well, what do you know, an obsessive compulsive doctor. I’ve never met one,” with heavy sarcasm dripping off the words.

“I don’t have O.C., I just have too much time on my hands,” he said, and then winked. Everyone but Jason and House understood what the wink meant. There were many stifled giggles in the room.

“Go sign the forms, O.C.,” said House.

Carlisle left quickly to grab the forms.

House sighed.

Carlisle was back within the minute.

“Tell me, are you a ghost or something? How do you do everything so quickly? It’s driving me crazy.”

“As I told you, Greg, I am simply efficient with my time.”

“You are a vampire, aren’t you? Or are you a hag?”

“Shut up, House,” said Harry loudly.

“Shut up, Potter,” said House even more loudly.

“Shut up, House!” yelled Amber.


“Shut it, House,” said Ron.

“Shut up … wait, what is your last name?”

“It’s ‘Shut up, House’”.

“Nice. I will figure out what you are, even if it means nearly killing you …”

“TOO DRASTIC, HOUSE!” yelled Cuddy.

“TOO DRASTIC? YEAH RIGHT!” yelled House to Cuddy.

“Go, quickly,” she said to the Potters, Cullens, Weasleys and Bourne, then she raised her voice again.

“IF I GET ONE MORE COMPLAINT …” she began, but they never heard her finish her threat.

Please tell me what you think!

P.S. too all Canadians, and Canadiens/Canadiennes - Happy Canada Day! 141 years of being Canadian! Have fun!

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