I believe Pigwidgeon Took made this for me awhile ago
If you need me...
Out of habit, the seventeen-year-old boy ran his fingers through his already untidy jet-black hair. His glasses, which were on the bridge of his nose, were blocking his vision to the front of the class. But it didn’t seem to faze him. His hazel eyes were almost glowing as he stared at a certain girl, the girl that has despised him since his first year.
Now the boy isn’t going to lie to himself and say that he has been
in love with this girl since he had set eyes on her. He was eleven years old when he first saw her! He didn’t even know what love was. His mother would
still say he doesn’t know what love was. But she was wrong.
He knew he had fallen in love with this girl in the middle of his fifth year. That was when he decided to change for the best.
It was the end of his sixth year now. He was also of age and he had really matured since that day on the lake…
As the bell went, the boy jumped. He had completely zoned out the whole lesson! Hoping they didn’t learn anything important, he stood up and picked up his bag.
“You ok, Prongs? It looks like you drank some shrinking potion,”a boy with long, wavy black hair said.
“That wouldn’t make him look like that Padfoot. It would make him smaller. Hence the word
shrinking,” a mousy brown haired boy said.
“Whatever Moony. You always have to get all technical,” Sirius Black said, as they walked down the staircase leading to the Entrance Hall.
“Well if you said things correctly, I wouldn’t have to get all technical,” Remus Lupin replied, with a small grin. Sirius scowled at him before turning back to James.
“Before I was rudely interrupted, you ok mate?”
James pushed his glasses back up and ran his hand through his hair again. “I’m fine. I’m just thinking.”
“About what?” Sirius asked.
“Your hair,” James retorted.
“Really?” Sirius grinned widely. James couldn’t help but laugh. Sirius was always able to make him laugh. It didn’t matter what had just happened second before, Sirius could always put a smile on his face.
As they walked out the great oak doors, a burst of sunshine hit James’ face. The grass was bright green and gave off that spring smell. The trees were dancing with a slight breeze. The lake was glimmering with every color of the rainbow. A scatter of students already littered the grounds with their bodies, happy that it was finally the weekend. But the boy with untidy black hair didn’t seem to be effected by the joyful atmosphere.
As Sirius began arguing over who was a better quidditch team, James stood. “I forgot my Potions book in class. I should go get it before Slughorn leaves,” He made up wildly. He had a sudden urge to be alone.
“You want us to go with you?” Sirius asked, looking up at him.
“No its fine. I’ll meet you in the Great Hall later,” James said and began walking toward the school.
He didn’t really know what the matter was with him. Usually he was one of the big arguers when it came to quidditch. But today, he just couldn’t bring himself to do it.
Absentmindedly, he turned the corner and ran smack into somebody. Papers flew and books dropped. James looked up in time to see Lily Evans falling. He threw out his hand and she grabbed it instinctively. But James lost his balance and landed right on top of her.
A couple of months ago, he would of come up with a witty remark about him being on top of her, but now he felt himself begin to blush. He looked down into her bottle green eyes and felt a shiver go down his spine. Realizing he was still on top of her, he rolled to the left and sat up.
“I’m sorry Evans. I didn’t mean to…land on you,” James apologized.
Lily sat up, letting her long, wine colored hair fall over her shoulders. She raised an eyebrow at him, before picking up her mess of papers and books. James helped her pick her things up, before standing up.
“Thank you for helping me,” Lily said, as he handed her her Transfiguration book.
“No problem. So, how have you been?” he asked casually. Lily stopped putting things into her bag to look at him. She gave him a curious look. Her eyes seemed to be scanning his soul.
“Are you feeling well, Potter?”
“Yeah. Why?”
“No gross remark about you falling on top of me? No “Are you following me Flowers?” No “Will you go out with me?” Are you ill?”
James actually smiled at her. “No not today.”
Lily then did something she hadn’t done to him since their first year. She smiled at him. And not a mocking smile, a genuinely nice smile.
“Would you like to take a walk with me then?”
“You’re not going to tell me to go away?” James asked a bit shocked.
“No not today,” She chuckled.
Their walk turned out to be a few hours long. They ended up next to a tree by the lake. They had talked and laughed the whole time. James couldn’t wipe the smile off his face to save his life.
As day turned to night, James stood up and put his hand out to help her up. She took it gleefully and they made their way back toward the castle.
“I had fun with you today, Lily,” James said, a little shyly.
“Me too,” She replied, a smile still playing on her lips.
“I know you will probably say no, again, but…would you like to go to Hogsmeade with me tomorrow?” he asked, hope in his eyes.
“I’m sorry James, but I’m already going with somebody,” Lily said with a sad expression. She actually looked upset that she already had plans.
“Oh its alright. Is it…
Snape?” he asked.
“It really isn’t your business, but no. It’s a boy in Ravenclaw,” Lily replied.
“Oh. Do you like him then?”
“I don’t know. It’s going to be our first date.”
“Really? Well, have fun with that,” James chuckled.
“What is so funny?”
“Because the first date is always boring. Plus it’s really awkward because you barely know each other.”
“He has been in my Muggle Studies class since fifth year.” She said defensively.
“When did you learn his name?”
“Last weekend,” She replied slowly.
“See? You barely know the guy.”
“Well that’s why we are going out. So we can get to know each other.”
“That does sound like fun,” James said sarcastically.
“Well, I think its time for me to get to my dormitory. I’ll see you later, Potter,” Lily said walking toward the common room.
“Lily wait!” he called after her and ran to catch up. She stopped and looked back at him. James could tell she was getting annoyed.
“I didn’t mean to ruin your first date. I-“
“Its fine. I enjoyed our walk today. I like it better when you’re not trying to get me to go out with you,” She said and gave him a light smile.
“Yeah me too.”
”We should do it again sometime. Bye James.”
“Bye Lily. Oh and if you need me, for anything, I’ll be here,” James said. She gently squeezed his arm and walked away.
“So why were you gone so long?” Sirius asked as they walked the crowded streets of Hogsmeade the next day.
“I went for a walk,” James replied, not mentioning whom he walked with.
“What kind of walk?” Sirius asked, raising his eyebrow up.
“Aren’t you always
walking?” Peter asked.
“Thank you for being so brilliant Wormtail. My mind would blow without you,” Sirius retorted. Peter blushed and looked away.
James was beginning to grow restless as the sun went down. Usually roaming Hogsmeade excited him. A thrill always went down his spine when they would go exploring at night. He and the other three knew Hogsmeade as much as Hogwarts. But today he just felt like sitting in the common room, doing nothing.
“Lets go back to school. I’m bored,” James said suddenly.
“Lets go through the Shrieking Shack. I want to leave an extra cloak there. My last one ripped,” Remus said, and they started for the haunted shack.
As they were walking, James heard distant voices. As they grew closer, he could tell one was distressed. Then the voice became too familiar. He knew that voice anywhere and she sounded like she was in trouble!
James took off running before anybody could say “Hey!” He ran through the familiar woods until the voices were sound and clear. He ran out from behind a bush to see Lily pinned to a tree. A boy with bleach blond hair was holding Lily’s arms against the tree and was leaning in. Lily was struggling to break free.
“Hey!” James said stepping even closer. His blood was boiling and he felt like if he shut his eyes they would burn. He felt his anger rise as the boy turned, still holding onto Lily.
“Go back to your friends, Quidditch boy,” The blond boy said.
“David, get off me,” Lily said, still trying to get out of his grasp.
“No. Leave her alone,” James demanded, fire in his eyes. His fist clenched tightly, and he could feel his fingernails digging into his palms.
“She doesn’t like you. She
wants to be here. Now leave!” David said, his icy blue eyes starring right through him, like he was a snail.
James starred hard at him, but didn’t move. The words hurt, but he wasn’t going to show it. He knew David was just trying to get him to leave. He wasn’t going anywhere though.
“You think just because you aren’t as bigheaded as before, she would actually
like you? She will never like you. Hell, she will never
love you. Never.” James tried to fight David’s words off, but they were slicing into him like butcher knives. He was right. She
won’t ever love him. She’s told that before. Maybe she didn’t want to be saved. Maybe he was just making a fool of himself.
“The lady has chosen. Now leave!” David said. The words hit him like a kick in the stomach. He lowered his head in defeat and began walking away.
“James wait!” Lily’s voice called to him.
“Shut up!” David said harshly.
James turned and looked into her emerald green eyes. Her eyes were fearful and he could see she was shaking.
“I need you,” She almost whispered.
She didn’t need to tell him twice. His wand was out and with a quick flick, he shouted, “Stupefy!” A red light shot out from his wand and hit David in the stomach, making his bleach blond hair flip in every direction. He fell back with a loud thud and Lily slunk down next to the tree.
James walked over to her and kneeled down. He moved a piece of her auburn colored hair that was clinging to her pale cheek. She was clammy and James cold tell she was holding in her tears. She was still trembling, but only slightly now.
“Are you ok?” he asked gently.
“I’m so stupid!” she exploded. She hid her face in her hands and shook her head furiously. She rocked on the balls of her feet, muttering “stupid” every few seconds.
“You’re not stupid. You are the brightest witch or our age,” James said.
“I’m really not,” She choked out.
“Yes you are. You got all O’s on your O.W.L.S. You always know the answer in class and you didn’t go out with an idiot like me.” She looked up from her hands and gave him a watery smile.
“Taking that into consideration, I can say you are pretty smart,” He said, looking at her intently.
“Thanks James,” she said quietly. They sat next to each other in silence as the sun began to disappear. The silence was slightly awkward, but tolerable.
“Do you want me to take you back up to the castle?” he asked, as it began to grow colder.
“Ok,” she replied.
James stood and helped her to her feet. Neither of them took a step toward the castle. Lily was looking at him curiously. Her eyes darted toward his lips then up to his eyes in one quick motion. She then wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him full on the lips.
“Thank you again, James,” she whispered across his lips.
He moved back just a tiny bit, so he could look her in the eye again.
“No problem,” he said, his voice cracking slightly. She smiled gently at him. She knew he was making her nervous and she was enjoying that affect she had on him.
With a sudden burst of confidence he moved closer and kissed her with all the passion he could handle. When a twig broke near them, they broke apart. Sheepish smiles spread on both their lips.
“Hey mate. We wondered where you ran off to,” Sirius said, his wavy black hair becoming visible.
“Is that guy ok?” Remus asked, noticing David still on the ground.
“He will be fine. Lets go back to school,” Lily said. James was glad she spoke. He didn’t think he could talk. Let alone talk about the creep on the ground.
“Ok.” Remus said slowly, still wondering what happened. The five of them started for the Shrieking Shack, James and Lily hand in hand.
Ok so I wrote this a loooooong time ago! I said I would write it for Gracie but I forgot to post it 
I dont really like how it came out
I know I have written better, but tell me what you think anyways 