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Kaytee Bee Kaytee moved over to where Lola was sitting and plopped down beside her. She looked through the large gates and saw it; Hogwarts. Oh, how she longed to enter the gates and those doors to the castle. Her brother had gotten her so excited about going there, and then something like this happens: segregation. She sighed and looked back to Lola. "I bet it's wonderful in there...nothing like Belle's school."
Lola's face was void of emotion, too stunned and and too belligirent for this piece of Merlin's sewer and his sidekick Miss Murder-All-Joy. Solemly, her coffee eyes bubbled at the castle, chest aching for the plush Slytherin bed that was collecting a fine layer of dust! Poor bed! No silk sheets and no late-night tofu ice cream eating Lola to soothe it! No contemporary Indian music mixed just for her playing from her tiny record player. She'd never forgive these horrid people! There would be a screenplay to showcase their contempt for Hogwarts! Mark Lola's words!
"You've no idea," Lola replied despondently, feeling more Kaytee's senior for her hindsight of Hogwarts. "It was Camelot compared to this frou frou."
Pointedly turning away, to busy herself with thoughts, she drew her legs up around her. The way her lungs took air seemed different. Lola felt changed. Like the woman on the verge...of something.
Raw. Hard-core. She felt like purposely frizzing her hair and painting her face.