Foreign Intrigue
Lola stared. The floor? Eww. It wouldn't serve. Her dry cleaner was not being very forgiving for the truckload of business she was sending him, the poor gentle man ready to blow his first fuse since birth. Why, she was sending things faster than he could clean them! But, no one, not even the elves, were better than Khaled.
But maybe they'd get to be genies! Ooooh, what wondrous fun! Loose pants and chiffon! Fab-U-LOUS!
Better do well, she thought, primly bending her knees and crossing her ankles beneath her. Spreading into a small smile of wonder, Lola looked about the room from a worm's eye view. New perspective, eh? Supposedly, it was the key to 'it all'. Whatever that trivial, yet riveting maxim meant.
Spotting Steelsheen, she waved fleetingly, unable to see the girl in great quantities as of late. Shame, her company was pleasant.
__________________ what's the worst thing that could happen? you've got to take the chance. everyone will tell you not to/but no one understands. D o n' t D i e W o n d e r i n g silly little charmer/with that sparkle in your eye seize your hope and kiss them all goodbye. |