Originally Posted by
Punk Rock Princess
Poor Cale. Did Bella help him any?

Cake Thrower always helps Prince Charming with his problems
Originally Posted by
oo...now he has to break a girls heart?
he is not having the best of luck is he?
I wonder which one he is going to choose....
I kinda hope its a ciertain one
Oh, I think you already know who it is
I was SO stalking that conversation in the common room
Originally Posted by
Punk Rock Princess
I just relaized how totally reminiscent this is to Bella's Jack/Zero situation. Wow. Captain Obvious here

Aww, that's sad
Originally Posted by
Wow,I missed two posted...

Anyhow,I hope Cale picks the girl I'm thinking of
This is really good,Lissy
You're probably thinking of the right one
Cale feels really bad though. He has a good heart
Originally Posted by
Wow, Cale is just so destroyed right now. If only Anna KNEW all this. She's kind of completely oblivious to it all.

She knows he got upset with something that happened with Cora, but she doesn't want to pry and thinks if he didn't tell Anna directly what happened, then maybe he doesn't want her to know.
She enjoyed spending all weekend in Hogsmeade with him, though!!!! Oh, and she enjoyed telling him she has a little crush on someone.
He's like...BURSTING to tell her all of this

I hope Hogsmeade is open this weekend
The Step Sister
Ok, Cale is not so happy about his mother's new marriage.
Not that he doesn't like his new step dad. He's cool. No, it's his daughter that is the devil personified.
Cale had completely forgotten about Ezra Greenboat until he had a dream about her. She was kicking him out of his house, and burning all of his drawings! He woke up (with a teensy little scream, I might add) and realized that since her
actual mum lived in some place called Florida in America, she would be coming to live with him.
Suddenly Cooper's didn't seem so bad after all.
Before you say Cale is just being a drama queen again, let's describe Ezra: She is 13 year old, is a spoiled brat who only cares about her hair and her makeup and how tiny her waist is, and every time she ever came over to his house, she loveeeeedddddd teasing him. And slapping herself in the arm, and then yelling "Dad! Cale hit me!"
And for some reason, his mum fell for it every time.
No, there was simply no way he could live with that little devil-child for the rest of his life. He had already done a very nice job of avoiding her at Hogwarts--granted it was a lot easier now that there were two schools--but now that they were related by marriage, he'd have to see her during the holidays. And over the summer. Oh my god, she would always be there in the summer when he woke up, with her loud squeaky laugh and her dozens of boyfriends.
He bet she would try to take his room. Yes, that would be so EZRA of her.
He took a quick glance at the calendar hanging next to his bed. They had about two months till winter vacation, aka until he met his doom.
Hmmm, Cooper's vs. Home. There simply was no winner there.