Thread: The Broomshed
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Old 06-18-2008, 03:44 AM   #3 (permalink)
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Desdemonda, who had just been heading to the broomshed in hopes on tuning up her broom, which she usually left in the musty corner of the seemingly near-collapsing shed with a charm placed on it to prevent bundimuns and doxies from destroying it. She stopped in her tracks and cringed as some horrid shrieking was coming from inside... with the general tune of... some Muggle children's song?

Sighing inwardly, she made her way towards the door and, as silently as she could, slipped into the shed. "You know, I always thought that using torturing curses at Hogwarts was strictly against the rules... even on kneazles," she remarked dryly, standing behind Billium. She had a parchment notice rolled up in her right hand, a thin, emerald green seal on the outside to hold it in place. "What in Merlin's name was that supposed to be?" It was probably something that didn't quite make sense, as Muggle songs often were. Maybe the... the... Muffin Bland. Something like that. She couldn't make out the lyrics in Billium's horrific singing.
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