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She clapped her hands. "The first course will be rolls and a soup. Remember that when eating soup, you tip the bowl away from yourself and spoon outward, so the dripping doesn't happen on your gown. You may apply butter with your knife, but you may not cut the bread with your knife. And last, we do not eat as the vulgar Americans do. Fork in your left hand with the prongs facing down, knife in your right. You do not switch them back and forth. Once a utensil is picked up and touches food, it does not return to the table. If you're finished, lay it across your plate and the silverware will be removed with the plate. Let's give it a try with this course."
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With a bit of a crash, a scrawney house elf with enormous hazel eyes and huge bat-like ears flopping over her face stumbled into the room, wearing a slightly dirty tea towel around her waist. Quirly hurried over to the Headmistress, practically panting; she had nearly been late. "Quirly must be apologizing for her latenesses! Quirly is a bad, bad house elf!" she squeaked frantically, her withered hands wringing a shread of her tea towel out of nervousness. She wasn't a particularly practical elf at times, and hadn't thought to repair it when she had tripped and fallen on the way. She snapped her fingers once. Upon the table in front of the students appeared a plethora of different kinds of soups, delicious-looking browned, golden rolls, and small dishes of butter. Along the length of the table, every so often there was a small silver pitcher of ice water. With another sharp snap of the elf's fingers, the food was gracefully dished out to the students, not a drop spilled.
Not usually the jumpy type, Steelsheen was surprised by the sudden appearance of the house elf squeaking and fussing over the dinning table. Steelsheen looked at her curiously, the appearance reminding her of the venerable Master at the Temple back home. When Quirly finished, Steelsheen gave her thanks to the house-elf, unsure if such gesture would even be welcomed.
She then took her spoon and dipped in into her soup the way Professor Rae instructed them. The soup was good, so good that Steelsheen wanted to take it all in quickly, but she reminded herself to take it 'the proper way' which was frustratingly slow and tedious. She sighed slowly, she truly wasnt a fan of fussy practices.
She then started with her rolls, which luckily was already halved. 'Dont cut the bread with your knife' she mused as the Professor's words echoed in her head. She eyed the blunt blade scornfully, "Wouldnt be much use even if we could." she muttered. 'There's only one good use for a blunt knife,' she thought, as she took a generous helping of the butter and playfully twirled the knife between her fingertips. She glanced around at her friends and settled on Kayla, who looked like she could hurl her bread across the table. With the loaded knife on her right hand, Steelsheen pressed its tip with her left finger. Ohhh the possibilities, she grinned mischievously as she imagined flicking the butter across the way.