Shipper Queen Hippie Quad
Sam tilted her head at the next instruction. How do you get up without scooting your chair? Man, being a lady was too hard. She stood up and nearly fell over. "Dang!" she muttered under her breath. To regain her balance, she sat back down onto her chair. Too hard! Too hard! Too hard!
Taking a deep breath, she tried to calm herself down. She needed to jsut chill. It was just a harmless lesson. Plus none of the ministry people were in the room. It was just Professor Rae and some people she knew and were close to. She was taking this way too seriously. Just have fun. Thats what Benny would of said. He always knew how to make a bad situation funny. Sam didnt have that trait. "Try again. You can do this." she said to herself. Slowly, she stood up from her chair. Not as fast as before in which she almsot fell. After she knew she wasnt going to fall, she slowly moved the chair away from her without making that screechsound. "I did it!" she said excitedly. Smiling triumphantly, she stepped back to the chair letting it move under her again.
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