Thread: DADA Lesson 1
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Old 06-15-2008, 11:54 PM   #40 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Cassirin View Post
"Yes, well," Rae stood and straightened her considerable skirts before striking down the hall to pace in front of the line of little darlings. She hated to do this to them, but she'd make it as bearable as possible. "I'm sure that you all have heard that we don't have as much... control over the curriculum as in past years, and while I do intend to teach a proper Defense lesson at some point, we have to get something out of the way first."

She turned and paced in the opposite direction. "I've been told I have a bunch of hooligan girls on my hands who have no concept of what it means to be a proper lady and witch, and I've been given the task of teaching you... how to be young ladies." She paused and stopped in the middle of the line. "Let me be frank with you lot. I think most of the rules of good propriety were developed in a past time when expectations were different. I refuse to teach you how to hire house elves or housekeeping charms, but I do think there is value in teaching a little basic table etiquette. I promise to make this as painless and fun as possible."
Desdemonda looked slightly taken aback for a minute, then downright annoyed. Hooligan girls? she thought bitterly, standing straighter and prouder as she had before. She was one to idolize manners; being quite a proper girl, she was quite offended at this statement. Table etiquette? She had perfect table ettiqutte! Whoever were enforcing these rules behind the scenes could have had the same mindsets of traditions back in the 1800s, but not present day...

"I suppose it's a bit of a misnomer to say this is Defense Against the Dark Arts, but I am the Defense professor and I've been given the job of teaching this class. This is the only classroom I have... you can see the conundrum, I'm sure." She put her hands on her hips in a decidedly un-ladylike pose. "Look, I hated these lessons when I was a girl too, but let me just say... there is something to be said for being able to go from being a rough and ready Auror to the sister of the Minister of Magic at a formal dinner. This doesn't DEFINE us, ladies. It opens up the opportunities presented to us by teaching us new skills. Plus..."

She paced to the trunk and threw it open, pulling out stacks of pretty and elaborate formal robes she'd borrowed from several places. "It's a chance to dress up without feeling silly about someone seeing us."
She looked down at the trunk, scowling inwardly. In her mind, she didn't need any of these lessons... but she would have to go along with it. Alas. It wasn't worth losing house points over... maybe if she cooperated, she would prove to the professor that she didn't need any of this foolishness and could be reprieved earlier on than others...
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