wow, i'm flattered by your words! i'm glad you enjoyed it, but I don't think any more is going to be coming. I just, don't have anywhere else to go with this fic right now. So, I think, for now, it will remain a one-shot. sorry!
ps. i kinda re-edited some parts to make it a little, tad bit, better for site rules. i was asked to do so, but it doesn't change the fic.
oh, and just out of interest... did anyone notice that i never actually told you within the fic that our Draco Malfoy was Hermione's pair?
__________________ SKITTLES .:Spuffy Addict:. ~Science/Math Geek~ NO PINK! Lizzy + Sarah = Best Friends! My fanfic ... Chapstick
Last edited by hpbookworm; 06-15-2008 at 01:07 AM.