i really love the beach so one day when i was at work i wrote this
the beach
the sun is out
from behind the cloudy blanket
the sweet song of the birds
is all around
filling the air with joy
the clear blue waves
crash one right after the other
sending its foam
onto the sands
the white sands
are hot to the touch
sending its warmth
through your entire body
the beach is like a painting
young and ageless
through the years
its has never changed
laying on its white sand
is something everyone should do
its the greatest feeling in the world
the sun beats down on you
theres a cool breeze
from off the water
that feels good when it hits your skin
people are all over the place
swimming,running,laughing and playing
enjoying there time at the beach
when your at the beach
you have a love for life
everyone is happy
there are no problems
just people enjoying themselfes
having the time of their lifes
the sun birds water and sand
are what make the beach
the beach
its a beautiful place
in which to relax
and to enjoy yourself
if you have never been to the beach
then your missing out
on one of lifes
many gifts to us
leah mae |