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Garret wrote down the homework assignment and made to leave the class, just as he passed by the professor, however, the man let out another loud sneeze. Wincing, the curly haired Hufflepuff dug around in the pocket of his robes for a solid 25 seconds and extracted a rather sad looking hankerchief.
"You look like you need this more'n I do, sir." he said, holding the thing out to the prof, hoping he wouldn't notice the spaghetti stain in one corner.
"Thank you, young man." He said taking the worn-in hankerchief, not noticing the reddish stain from Italian and transfering it to his face as he wiped his nose with the thing. It stamped and smeared to his cheek and made him look rather tarted up a bit. As if he'd only had time to do half a face this morning. "That was very kind of you." He said gratuitously as he handed back the cloth.
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Will had just left the room when he heard Kapoor sneeze again. He popped his head back in the room before the door could shut. "Hey, Professor? Do you need some pepper up potion or something? I could get it for you..." He smiled hopefully; it seemed like the nice thing to do, as the bloke was obviously ancient (to Will's young eyes) and sick... and besides, maybe just maybe there might be some points in it for him.
"Oh, no, thank you, lad. It is merely my allergies. They haven't invented a Pepper up potion yet that I've found to be a gauranteed combative to my allergies once they strike." He patted the boys head.
"Now, off with you two. You don't want to be late for your next class and you might want to get a jump on the homework from your classes." The Professor made his way to the door and lifted the kick-stop with his foot and stood there a moment to let all the students out for the day.