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Old 06-12-2008, 07:24 PM   #38 (permalink)
Berty Borr

Very Busy & Important
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Join Date: Aug 2004
Location: Role Modeling
Posts: 790

Lord Borr had reached his limit. The sweat was rolling down the back of his neck, down his cheeks and into his shirt. The rumbling in his lower regions sounded like a coffee pot starting up.

He had to go. And he had to go immediately.

Lord Borr RAN past the boys, over the elf, all the while his hands clutching the seat of his pants. His heavy and urgent footsteps could probably be heard all the way over at the girls' school. "LOCK UP MY LOUNGE," he called back before disappearing into the first floor restroom.

My the mercy of Merlin, Lord Borr made it on time.

Someone unimportant whose name slips my memory made this signature.
Twas Lady Borr who did it, sir!
Boor's bringin' sexy back and yall just hatin'
Kingston: Marry me my lord. We're perfect for each other.
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