Originally Posted by
Poor Cale.
Well,he's in the same boat as Reese.
She has barely any girlfriends...
*sits down and waits for another post*
He finally met some guys, and almost gave the Ravie captain a concussion XD
Clumsy Cale is at it again!
Originally Posted by
Awww, poor Cale. He was soooo excited about coming to Hogwarts.

Anna misses Cale! It turned out so differently than she thought. She thought she'd just love arguing with him at every opportunity, but now she'd do anything to just see him and talk!

All our planning for that huge fight in the common room was for nothing, I guess XD
The Seperate Schools
Cale was bored.
He missed girls.
While he had managed to make a load of new guy friends, and earned himself some points for Gryffindor, he was still very saddened by the terrible mess he and the rest of the school was in at the moment. We can start with the Great Hall.
Now, not only does Cale not have Pink Girl, but now he has no knives either.
Upon entering this school, if you could even call this
prison a school, he noticed one horrible thing: The Slytherin's had a whole section of the great hall, and the Gryffindor's and Hufflepuff's were smashed into small sections with no knives, splintered benches, and limited elbow room.
No, take that back; ZERO elbow room.
There is also no mailing anyone outside of parents or guardians, which totally stinks for Cale since he has only ONE parent. He wanted to mail Emma! She was the only person who really
got him in his family, and how was he supposed to tell his mum about his lady problems? How awkward!
Cale is so bored, he stopped straightening his hair, just to spice things up a little.
He really wanted Quidditch to start soon. He missed the girls from Gryffindor, and he wanted to see them so badly. Especially Anna. Weird as it was, he missed fighting with her.
He wondered if there was anyway he could contact his Pink Girl without breaking the rules.
He also wondered what was going on in the Slytherin Common Room over at Belle's school. Was Cora talking about him to Bella?
What about the Gryffindor Common Room? Was Anna talking about him?
And then, of course, he was trying to think of a way to cut steak without a knife.
Cale's mind is very complicated. 'Nuff said.