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Old 06-11-2008, 05:31 PM   #23 (permalink)
Dark Force Defense League
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Former Professor Valon Kazimeriz
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Originally Posted by Nienna View Post
Kingston's eyes slightly widened when the Slytherin Prefect opened the door and leaned into him. Leaning a bit back with his hands in front of him, worried the boy would try to smooch him as he seemed to lean in far too much.

He stepped back once the boy stepped out of the room. Kingston noticed he seemed... happy. Blinking at him, he wondered why he seemed so happy. Was it THAT awful in there? Dear God, Kingston hoped not. With a deep breath to calm his nerves down, he nodded. "Yes, he had."
Good. Then obviously this boy already passed the Lord's criteria as a worthy visitor. Will nodded. "All right, then, please follow me... Lord -- Farty Borr, Farty Borr, don't say Farty Borr! He bit his lip to fight supress a giggle, managing not to smile or laugh. Barely. "-- Berty Borr will see you."

He turned to walk back into the lounge, but on second thought turned back and leaned out into the hall, taking in one last clean lungful of Mother Earth's finest air. All right, then... I'm goin' in! he thought, returning to his place on the battlefield... er... leather couch across from Lord Borr.

Let another round of chemical warfare begin.
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