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Old 06-11-2008, 05:05 PM   #19 (permalink)
Dark Force Defense League
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Former Professor Valon Kazimeriz
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Originally Posted by Berty Borr View Post
Lord Borr's face broke into a big grin. "My personal Boy Scout. You should use that title, throw it around to get things done. Lord Borr's Boy Scout. You use that title - and people will listen." Lord Borr was sure of that.

As another cookie went into his mouth, his stomach had no choice but to make room and push some more air out. "I'm all ears my boy, tell Uncle Berty your problems. We'll get you fixed up right." Lord Borr waved his hand in front of his face, a little bit bothered by his own stench. "House elves made a real meal. My gut approves," Lord Borr chuckled as he waited and listened.

His pants, that were moaning with the strain his gut put on them, did not approve.
'Uncle Berty'. Oh My Lawd in Heaven. I guess I have arrived. He thought with cynical good humor as he smiled warmly back at Borr. "Lord Borr's Boy Scout... I'll certainly be honoured to use it, unless you think it's apt to make the other gents too jealous..." Jealous... Riiiiiiight. he thought. More like make Will a laughingstock. But no matter. He desperately struggled to keep his food down as yet another air raid struck. I didn't know they allowed the use of chemical weapons at a mere boys' school. Working with him, I should qualify for hazardous duty pay. Sheesh.

He leaned forward as though confessing his soul to Borr. Closer to the source, Merlin help poor Will. "Well, sir, since you're so kind and understanding... I'm a bit concerned about the disparity of the dining accomodations in the great hall. Specifically, the Slytherins are afforded the best while the other houses are kind of given lesser quality things. While I'm certainly not complaining about the quality of what we have, and I feel that we need to become accustomed to the best as you yourself indicated at the feast... Well, it seems to me that it takes some of the thrill out of our inevitable victory of the House Cup, for if we aren't given equal accommodations, the other houses will state that our win was a result of favouritism and not due to our own superior skill and hard work. As a young man of great ambition, I'd hate for there to be any actual evidence that they can use to try to tarnish our victory. I was wondering... Well, I am certain you have it in your power to see that the quality of the dining facilities of the other Houses are brought up to the standard that Slytherin is receiving, and I was wondering if perhaps you could see it in your heart to allow us all that equal playing field. After all, a race is no challenge if the other competitors are held at a disadvantage." He spoke as calmly and slowly as he could, trying to keep from rushing so he could hold his breath again.

He heard a knock at the door. Oh, thank heaven. Salvation... Let him open the door and let some oxygen in before I pass out!
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