Lord Borr waved all the silly family related nonsense off. Family matters were just that - things that only mattered to family. Lord Borr didn't care if his father was the muggle pope or Jack the Ripper. Didn't matter. He'd gone off track.
"Focus, my boy. Focus." The tears in his eyes hadn't gone unnoticed. "You need a hug or something?" Lord Borr considered it,but did not offer his arms. He knew that men needed hugs sometimes, but he was not going to encourage his men to be wimpy and girly. "We need to make the boys around here into men. I don't think many are up to it,but I've already seen a few potentials. I need you to help me scout out potentials. Ones with class and," a loud chunk of air passed out of Lord Borr, leaving no room for even Lord Borr to ignore it. "Pardon me," and then he went on unfazed, "and ambitions like yours. The ones that aren't too - degenerate - to make something of themselves."
__________________  Someone unimportant whose name slips my memory made this signature. Twas Lady Borr who did it, sir! Boor's bringin' sexy back and yall just hatin' Kingston: Marry me my lord. We're perfect for each other. |