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Old 06-20-2004, 10:28 PM   #1706 (permalink)

Technical Assistance
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Join Date: Jun 2003
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Technically technical all the time Bookaholic

Kristi ran over to her father, putting both hands on his arm which had reached out to grasp the door handle and pulled him away from the door. He sneered and looked as if he were ready to strike her but, she stood her ground and continued to push him back into the room. When he was far enough away from the door, she drew her wand. "I may not be as powerful as Dumbledore; I can't seal the doors with a charm that you won't be able to break. And I don't care what that old man says, you love Marcella and I won't let you throw that away for anything or anyone. You don't owe him or me anything. Now you sit back down in your chair and you listen to what she has to say or I'll strap you down to the chair if I have to," she said, backing up to the door Snape was going to escape through, pressing her back up against it and turning the knob with her hand.

She slowly slipped out as Snape sat in his chair, still glaring at her. Kristi shut the door and leaned against it with her eyes shut. She shuddered a bit before sinking down to a sitting position, her eyes leaking tears at the thought of her father going back to that awful place again; this time, for good.

Blast from the past!
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