Originally Posted by
SenoritaMaxie - Not again.
They were always doing that to her, the stupid, fat, good-for-nothing Ministry people who didn't darn know their own authority or whatever. They were not even civil! She was a hundred and seven - wait, wasn't it a hundred and nine? - for Heaven's sake!
She struggled to shout for a while but, finally finding herself unable to speak once more and accepting the matter as it stood, she decided to resort to glaring and inward cursing.
She hated this woman, whoever she was. And she hated the Minsitry even more.
Rebecca looked at Corranda dangerously
Originally Posted by
Mrs. Weasley Edward smiles. "I'd like to apologize for Mrs. Melvick's behavior. I'd like to be able to say the strain of the charges against her had made her behave this way, but the truth be told, she is just the most disagreeable person I ever met. Thank you for the test result. I'm sure Syd will find this information very useful. Come along, my dear. We have work to do." Edward takes out his wand and performs the Mobiliscorpus Charm. He leads Mrs. Melvick out of the offices.
"You have nothing to apologise for, but thankyou anyway" Rebecca smiled "It is perfectly fine" Rebecca waved to Corranda "Goodbye"
Later on:
Rebecca sighed and left the room to go and see the other divisions, about 30 minutes later she walked back in with a massive grin on her face "I am now your Division Head" she said to Lara and Hazel