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Saint Oscar Parker nodded as she handed over her wand and gift. She only hoped he would be careful. That present had cost her more then she would have liked to admit. She yawned softly as she looked down at her very nice black satin ballet slippers. She was utterly exuasted and the thought of sleeping for days sounded like a wonderful idea. Maybe she could drop of her present and sign the guest book and things, and then go home and sleep.
Jake took the wand and examined it, before handing it back and taking the gift. Tapping it lightly with his wand, he nodded, handing the vase back to her. It looked expensive, and he wasn't about to be blamed for it being damaged.
'Thank you, Miss Grey. If you could sign the guest book and leave a memory, and leave your present at the gift table, you may proceed to the reception.' He gestured in the direction she needed to go.