Hungarian Horntail
Join Date: Jun 2003 Location: Saffron City
Posts: 69,656
Hogwarts RPG Name: November {Noe} Franze First Year | Brain Twin | MASTAH ASHURRII | Reisdent PokeNerd | Digifangirl Quote:
Originally Posted by SenoritaMaxie Oh wowww! Another Issy journal! 
I'll edit as I read, I just wanted to make my presence known as I start doing that. ;] *shnuggles*
Keep up the brilliant work, hun. Your enthusiasm makes me so happy LOL Seriously. ^____^ Yaaay. Hurrah, first to read. Heehee. -shnuggles-
Thank you thank you! ^____^
I plan to keep it up long ;] Quote:
Originally Posted by Faerilicious Issy journal!
FLUFF! *melts*
Teehee. She's soooooo cuuuuuttteeee! I know I've already said that about a 100 times, but it's TRUE! *shnuggles her tightly*
*cough* Yes, they were together.  *tickles Issy's tummeh*
<3333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333 3333333
I love you, Ashlie. And I luff her. And all your characters. *opens an Ashlie Fan Club* LOL Yaaaay Issy journals! -excited-
Fluff = LOVE You know how addicted I am. xD
Awww LOL You and everyone else. :3 Somehow, Issy became a bit of a favorite around you guys. I love it. Issy loves it, too. ;]
Shhhh! Don't let Issy hear! -covers her ears- She's been utterly sensitive and such, 'specially when it comes to Samson. Heehee
Ashlie Fan Club? o.O What what? NOOOOO I don't need one. -blush- Make it for someone else, kay? Someone more worthy.
I love you tooo. Thanks!
<3333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333 3333333333333 Quote:
Originally Posted by Padie Eeeep! I'm so glad you're back!
She's so cuuuute!  And Samson's being a meanie *pokes him and nudges him to kiss her* Speaking of which, I wonder what she'll write when that happens *giggles* Thank you, thank you. -bows- You make me feel so wanted. I love it! -dances-
LOLOL That makes two. You guys make mine and Issy's ego inflate so much, I love it.
ROFL! He can't kiss her yet! Not till he realizes it. (Unless he kisses her and realizes it... hmmm.) GOSH THEY'RE GROWING UP SO FAST.
Oh man. That will be a most amazing entry, won't it? LOL Quote:
Originally Posted by cake.ninjak Ashliecat, this is fantastic, as always. LOVE IT! -bows- Thank you, NinajKat. Oh how Issy misses Mister Ryan. Quote:
Originally Posted by Harmonizer *snort* Oh c'mon Issy! You knew you liked my boy the moment you set eyes on him that day at Diagon Alley  .
Lololol. I love their little moments. They're all so cute. Especially when Samson ignores Issy but really thinks fluffy thoughts about her hair and her shoes  .
o: *le gasp* TESSIE. Don't let Sam kiss Issy. Not yeeet. I'm not ready to see my baby grow up. D: Though I do wish he'd mature, even just a little bit. >D
MORE, 'SHRIEE.  Hey hey! Of course she liked him that moment. She didn't know. Not till that moment at her house. HAND HOLDING FLUFF! squeeeeee! :3 I'll admit to liking him right away 
THEIR MOMENTS ARE UTTERLY ADORABLE! Issy is always trying to breathe and I do love Samson's random Issy thoughts - and then he freaks out cos he has no idea why he's thinking of her.
They grow up so fast. LOL -sniffles- DON'T GROW UP YEEEEET! Would Samson actually be Samson if he was more mature right now? ;] haha!