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Old 06-07-2008, 12:36 AM   #157 (permalink)
Special Services to the School

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Originally Posted by Slytherin Fox View Post
"Good day to you, sir," Dumont smiled at the man who had just spoken to him. The man had a very pleasant face, quite an intelligent look and appeared to be someone that Dumont could easily talk to. "I'm Antonio Dumont, by the way. Very new to teaching here, I confess. How about yourself?" Dumont figured this man had probably been here for years and might be able to show him the ropes.
"It's a pleasure to meet you, 'Antonio Dumont by the way'." He said, saying Antonio's name as if the words 'by the way' were part of it. "I've been teaching for quite some time, but never at Hogwarts...or, Cooper's school, is what I mean. This is sure to be an interesting year with the way they've got it all set up. What subject will you be teaching, 'Antonio Dumont by the way'?"

Kapoor stopped when he heard Headmaster Branxton announce the opening speech and applauded once the very busy and important Lord Berty Borr gave more than a few words.

Originally Posted by Slytherin Fox View Post
Dumont couldn't believe what he was hearing. Was there an argument going on about the length of a person's - - - hair? How ridiculous could things get, and who would care one way or the other about such a thing? He eyed the large man who had made these statements about hair length uncertainly. He seemed a bit blustery and presumptuous, to say the least! "Sir, how could a person's hair length possibly affect their abilities or anything else?", he asked. "What could it possibly matter? That is only a matter of preference and doesn't prove anything."

"I'm Antonio Dumont, the Muggle Studies professor," Antonio responded. "I just find your statements a bit absurd, and just wanted to point out that hair length should not be a consideration or reflection on ones abilitiies. Not to offend in any way, but I just don't see the rationale. Nor do I feel it makes one less manly if they do have hair on the longer side. Professor Erikson here seems to be quite manly, and his hair is longer than most men. I just don't understand the point of this conversation, that's all."
Kapoor winced a little. Sure the argument was ludacris, because it need not be a large issue, though, it didn't seem that either gentleman was prepared to backdown. He started to shake his head at Antonio in a pleading fasion. He was still a young man with his whole life ahead of him (Kapoor hoped after this moment) and he probably didn't know the extent to which the Ministry would extend itself to see order.
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