Thread: Staff Table
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Old 06-06-2008, 07:11 PM   #154 (permalink)
House Elf
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Join Date: Dec 2005
Posts: 280

Argyle aparates to the area behind the staff table. Mistress Rae would tell Argyle what's going on. Why the house elves had to work in this new sanitized blue kitchen instead of the old kitchen all the house elves know and love. Argle looks around for Mistress Rae, but all Argyle can see is a bunch of smelly male professors. One in particular causes Argyle to shutter. He's fat, smelly, and carries a large can that could send Argyle sailing through the front door. Argyle is relieved to finally see a familar face. Argyle walk to where Master Braxton is sitting on a rickety stool. Argyle snaps her fingers. Master Braxton now sits in a fine chair befitting his station in life. Argyle then tugs on Master Braxton's robes. Master Braxton should know where Mistress Rae is.
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