Thread: Staff Table
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Old 06-05-2008, 02:59 PM   #39 (permalink)
Berty Borr

Very Busy & Important
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Originally Posted by Nienna View Post
Kingston's question wasn't replied to since a man of much importance (That's what the man seemed to imply) started to speak. His left eye kept twitching as he heard the speech the man had given. He didn't care about the bloody school being torn apart! He didn't care if the girls were in another school!

"Excuse me, Sir." Kingston spoke, looking at the well rounded man. "You seem like a man of great importance. And, believe me when I say this my good Sir, I rarely see that." Being around men who thought they were important has taught Kingston many things. Many, many things.

"Sir, I am Kingston Wendleworth the third." He spoke, sounding confident. "And I say this with much respect, but I will not be treated like that," he told him, pointing at the Hufflepuff table. "I have been raised in a high society and I will not take anything less!"
"Treated like what, my good man?" Lord Borr showed little interest. He reached out and put his beefy hand on the boy's head and pushed down."You should bow before and after introducing yourself, my good man. 'Tis good manners."

Originally Posted by Wesolowski View Post
Chester stopped in the doors of the Great Hall, hiked up his pants to his chest leaving his socked ankles showing as if the flood was coming, and glared around the room. He strutted up to the Staff Table to find an assortment of men sitting on the dias. He glared at the thin ones as if to say with his eyes, 'You're practically half a man being so thin!'

Spotting a man with a cane, a proper sized belly and a conduct to be admired, the 85-year-old Chester Wesolowski carried himself with arrogance over to him and introduced himself, "Hello good sir! I'm Chester Wesolowski, Ministry-approved educator of these fine young chaps. Or at least they better be if they know what's good for them." Chester snarled, ever the pleasant man.
Lord Borr did not like people with long and ridiculous names. He did, however, make a few exceptions. "Lord Borr. Berty Borr." He gave a slight bow, as deep as his belly would allow, and offered his hand. "I'm sure I've seen you around the Ministry before. Or rather, you've seen me. I'm very busy, and very important at the Ministry." He was turned off by the VERMIN in the Great Hall. "HAVE THAT THING PUT OUT OF ITS MISERY! Hideous beast! MOST IMPROPER! Were you raised in a BARN?!"

Originally Posted by Biochemkris View Post
Professor Branxton sat immobile on his short, rickety stool (quite the feat given the state of the seat) while the staff and students filtered into the hall. His eyes flicked briefly to Borr but, betrayed no hint of what he was feeling toward this entire fiasco. When it seemed Borr had finished, Doyle stood and cleaned his glasses before speaking in a carrying voice. "Thank you very much for your sentiments Lord Borr. We are pleased to count your greatness amongst the staff here at Cooper's School of Magic," he said and then sat back on his stool which was transfigure-proof and seemed to have been set with a permanent sticking charm. Much like the monstrosities they felt moved to place in his office.
Lord Borr yawned and fell into his throne like chair after the rabbit chaos and the boring speech by Professor Doyle. Being so busy and important and a full time role model was tiring. "You're very welcome, Professor Doyle. Very welcome indeed. Why, there may be hope for you yet. Just might be a little magic left for me to work on you after I mold these boys into men."

Someone unimportant whose name slips my memory made this signature.
Twas Lady Borr who did it, sir!
Boor's bringin' sexy back and yall just hatin'
Kingston: Marry me my lord. We're perfect for each other.
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