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Old 06-05-2008, 12:10 PM   #35 (permalink)

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Marcella Riddle
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Originally Posted by .:Maks:. View Post
One thing is weird. Tom Felton said, that there are no so many changes. Tena said, that film have a lot of different elements.
I think he meant in reference to his character. Which is very true.

I'm honestly not too attaced to that scene, so I really don't care abou it being cut as much as a few other scenes. Sure it would be nice to have it, but not a must for me.
To be honest, as soon as I read Half-Blood Prince, I knew the scene with the two ministers would go. That conversation was just way too long to work onscreen.

i will say this though, maybe not all of the Muggle/Wizarding scenes from the first chapter is completely gone. remember there was news that they were filming a bridge in London where it was supposed to get blownup due to Voldermorts cohorts. they filmed that, looked like a lot of money was spent just executing it, so there's strong likelyhood that it will be in the movie.
That part is in Thing is, Nat hasn't read the quite how she can compare the script to it, is a bit beyond me. Especially since I doubt she got the whole screenplay in the first place. Don't get me wrong, she's an amazing woman, and her sentiments are valuable, but that being said, she's just going on what other people have told her rather than reading the novel herself.

Guys, can we please remember the site rules. Just because the actors have sworn in these interviews, doesn't mean you can!
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