Originally Posted by
Warren sat watching the two talk with a smile on his face. Glad to see they're hitting it off. "Congratulations, Egypt!" Warren was happy listening to the two girls talk, that was until the talk turned of wedding colors. Alexa's enthusiasm scared him a little. You'd think she was planning hers... At the thought his face paled and he started to breath rather fast. "Um...I think I need some air." He got up fast before anyone could say anything and left the reception hall to the security check area. After a few minutes he walked back in and headed toward the drink table, trying to avoid Alexa.
Alexa watched Warren go, a smiled playing at her lips.
"Why are men so....." She laughed and went to get the drinks.
She was just asking the bar man for the drinks when she saw Warren over by the drink's table.
"Warren, seriously! The way you reacted, you'd think I was planning my own" She rolled her eyes and took the drink's back to her table.
Originally Posted by
Tomasina Riddle
Egypt leaned back from Alexa's zeal for her wedding colors. "Thank you. I hope it turns out how I see it in my head. I even have a special surprise for Nathan." She said to her, she had been planning that surprise since Nathan bought his piano. When she saw how happy it made him she wanted to see that look on his face again. "Yes I have 11 sisters I've been to my share of weddings too." She smiled.
"Well whatever you do, it's going to be a gorgeous ceremony. You and Nathan are just so sweet together." She smiled as Egypt explained her wedding gift to Nathan.
"11 sisters? Wow, that's a huge family. I won't say anything else. Warren might end up thinking I want children"
Originally Posted by
Tomasina Riddle
She smiled over at him, "Thank you so much Warren." she told him. What was going on with these two? Were they dating or something. She watched Warren practically turn over the table to get out of there. She had to move her legs to get out of his way when he bolted. She watched him high tail it out of there like his pants were on fire. "What in Merlin's frilly pink underwear was that about?" She asked to no one since she was now sitting at an empty table again.