Originally Posted by
Tomasina Riddle
She smiled down and smoothed the back of her dress as she sat down. She crossed her legs and scooted up under the table. "Thank you Warren. I was afraid I would have to suffer through this alone." She admitted to them. She looked around the room as well trying to spot Nathan. "I am fine thank you very much. Just nervously planning our wedding." She said referring to her and Nathan. "I have no idea. We were um, being a little free spirited at the ceremony, so I suspect he his trying to look busy. Though I hope he will be able to sneak away for a dance with me." She was looking forward to that dance.
"Hello Egypt" Alexa smiled at her.
"I'm sure Nathan will be here soon, we don't really have much to do now that the Ceremony is over" Alexa swirled to face Egypt.
"Wedding? Egypt pick any colour except purple! I'm begging you! I've had it up to here with purple" Laughing she hoped Egypt felt welcome.
She looked at Egypt's gorgeous attire and hoped she hadn't made too many creases in her dress.
"Free spirited? I can't talk" She blushed and got up to get a drink.
"What would you two like? Egypt? Warren?"