Originally Posted by
Alexa Black
"You really shouldn't terrify poor young ladies like that, just because you can identify people's footsteps and other weird things like that doesn't mean everyone can!" Easing a seat out of it's place with her foot she made him sit down.
"I was wondering where you'd got too. They haven't posted seating arrangements so I'm currently trying to find our seats. Name plates would be helpful too." She said with annoyance. Looking around at all the other confused people she took out her wand and began we curling her hair. All her running around had caused it to fall. Sighing, because her hair never did what she wanted she turned back to Warren.
"Have you seen Forrester?"
Warren laughed at Alexa's response and fell into the seat she pulled out with a tired grunt, turning it slightly so that he could see the door. "I was in the ceremony room...remember you said you would come back..." He looked around the room and gagged slightly,
What is with all the purple? "Well if they haven't placed name plates then I guess we can sit anywhere." He leaned back and placed his hand behind his head. He stared around at the people and saw Egypt sitting by herself. He waved and smiled at her and then turned back toward Alexa. "I haven't seen Forrester anywhere."